Friendships: Vital in Business

Making new friends in business is easier and more rewarding than you might think.

When you consider the vast array of individuals you encounter in the course of a day, week, and month, including clients, customers, bosses, peers, staff, vendors, suppliers, consultants, and information providers, you quickly see that the possibilities are nearly endless

To Know Others Quickly

* “Get stuck together” in an elevator, in a banquet serving line, or on a cruise!
* Just start talking prospects, suppliers, staff, backers
* Engage others in what you're business is doing
* Attend the same convention, outing, or task force
* Meet and converse early on the first day of that event

* Communicate honestly from the outset
* Convey more interest in others than in yourself
* Touch others emotionally
* Share a mutual deadline
* Visit them at their place of business

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