Guide to Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Daniel Hall 18/10/2021

After an injury, it's imperative the injured person seeks medical care right away.

From there, it may be time to think about filing a personal injury claim. If the injury occurred due to the negligence or direct action of another individual or business, it's possible to file a claim and obtain compensation for the expenses caused by the incident. To do this, there are a few basic steps the injured person will need to go through. 

Speak With a Lawyer About the Case

Contact an attorney as soon as possible after the accident. Medical care comes first, but it's not necessary to be fully recovered before speaking with an attorney. The faster a lawyer is hired, the faster they can start working on the case, which will help the injured person obtain the full amount of compensation they're owed for their injuries. Lawyers like those at Yarian Accident and Injury Lawyers can start working on a case right away. 

Provide Evidence for What Happened

If there is any evidence for what happened, how the accident occurred, who was at fault, or other details, give that to the attorney. Depending on what happened, they may need to gather additional evidence as well, such as footage from security cameras in the area or witness reports. Be sure the lawyer has as much information as possible about any evidence or potential evidence so it can be gathered to show what happened. 

Provide Receipts for Expenses

Gather any receipts for medical bills or damages to belongings. Also gather proof of income and the lost wages while recovering from any injuries. It is okay to not have everything, as it's possible for a lawyer to look up how much future medical bills may be, but it's a good idea to provide them with as much as possible. They'll add all current and future expenses together, including their fees, to determine how much compensation is needed. 

File Claim With Other Party

A claim will need to be filed with the other party's insurance company. If there is not an insurance company, a letter can be sent demanding compensation for the incident. It is important to do this as soon as possible after the incident to avoid running out of time due to the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations can vary based on the type of incident and location, but the lawyer will know the deadline for filing any claims. 

Consider Settlement Offers

The other party or their insurance company will often provide a settlement offer. In most cases, the initial offer is going to be very low, so it's not a good idea to accept it. If the settlement provides sufficient funds to cover expenses from the incident, the lawyer may recommend accepting the offer. It is important to consider all expenses and the amount offered carefully to see if it's worth settling. 

Agree to a Settlement or File a Lawsuit

Negotiations will likely take place to receive a higher settlement amount. In most cases, the injured person will accept a settlement after negotiations are done. If the settlement offers are still too low and negotiations don't work, the case may need to go to court. If that happens, it's necessary to file a lawsuit and wait for the case to go through the court system. 

If you've been injured due to someone else's actions or inactions, you may be entitled to compensation. However, it is important you take the right steps as soon as possible to file a claim and request compensation. Talk to a lawyer today to learn more. 

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