How You Can Create Your Roadmap to Innovation and Strategic Business Change

Naveen Joshi 02/03/2022

Robotics and automation are progressing at a good pace.

Therefore, organizations need an innovation roadmap to leverage such emerging technologies and plan a strategic business change.

The robotics industry is at its tipping point and there are enormous opportunities for business growth. The robotics market is likely to reach USD 74.1 billion by 2026. Such statistics give a good idea of how fast the market for robotics is growing. Therefore, businesses are confident that their investments will yield positive results for sure.

Although many industries have adapted to the trend of robotics, there are still some manual tasks left to be taken over by them. For instance, the logistics and supply chain industry is still largely dependent on a human workforce. Hence, there is a dire need for an innovation roadmap for such physical movement intensive companies to leverage automation.

Creating Innovation Roamap Using Robotics

To meet customer expectations and to eliminate walk and travel time, technology has put forward many options. Physical movement intensive companies can join hands with robotics to boost their business growth. Robotics will add flexibility, scalability, and reduce dependence on the temporary and unreliable labor force.

Material handling and logistics still involve a lot of manual movement. Robotics can be of great help here. Robotics can be incorporated in the logistics industry to meet the challenges of the manufacturing and warehousing departments. As a result, the supply chain business will run more efficiently with the help of a wide range of automated equipment.

Robots and AGVs (automated guided vehicles) are already being used for sorting and picking in the distribution centers. For instance, robots are working alongside humans for the first time in the Amazon warehouse, which has created challenges for retailers still away from using the power of automation.

Leveraging Robotics To Strategize Business Change

The business of automation is fast and furious. The world is witnessing significant changes at the hands of automation. With the help of automation, industries can work efficiently with a reliable robotic workforce. Therefore, marketers and engineers need to come together to strategize the business plans and make optimum use of automation and robotics. Furthermore, they also need to mind the skill gap, as it is of utmost importance that the workers are able to work with automation.

One of the world’s largest job companies, the ManpowerGroup, released a report stating how technological developments will change the face of the employment market. The report says that the technological developments will cut the headcount but it will create more jobs too. The companies need to hire and train their workforce to yield better results in the future.

Companies are adopting the human-robot work culture to gain more profits. Therefore, leaders of physical movement intensive companies must track the progress of the critical components of the rapidly evolving robotics industry.

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