If You Have an Idea, Can you Start a Business?

Ideas are something that keeps popping our restless minds. Our mind is flooded with countless thoughts every day. And deep down many of us have this desire to start a business, a wish to own a startup. When you slog and hustle hard for someone else, this self-awakening thought always comes up. If I put in the same amount of hard work in my own thing, in my own business? Damn, I would be rich. Why should I work as a slave to someone else? But then inspiration is perishable and as those thoughts that motivated you fly away in thin air, so does your will to make things happen.

What stops you from starting something? The money involved, the resources needed or the limited skill set you have. What is it that prevents you? What stops you from believing your worth? Fear of failing, fear of losing? Fear of how many people you should hire? How much time would it take to become a profitable venture? The office needed and the responsibilities that come up with a new business? Are you worried about it?

Every answer to the above questions lies in self-analysis.

  • Do you need ten people or are two or three enough to do the job for you?
  • Do you need a million dollars or a few thousand dollars is enough to start for now?
  • Do you need six months to make a product and bring it to the mainstream market or in two months you can execute the whole process?
  • Do you need a huge warehouse or can you rent a storage space or use your garage or basement or outsource this whole storage thing?
  • Do you need a big office or only a small rental space is necessary or can you share office space for a while?
  • Do you need publicity and advertising and want a PR firm to handle the affairs or there are other ways for you like digital marketing, social media and content marketing to get noticed?
  • Do you need to build a factory or can you hire someone else to manufacture your products?
  • Do you need an accountant or can you manage your finances on your own?
  • Do you need a full-time support person or can you handle inquiries on your own?
  • Is opening a retail store needed or can you sell your products online?

So once you go through all this concerns, self-analyse and ponder over it, you will realise starting something is not that hard. You need to have the passion and the willpower to start something.

Eventually, as your idea grows bigger and forms in size and number, you will need to go the more significant and expensive route. But when you start something, the resources required are less and affordable.

There is nothing wrong with being economical and spending as per the size of your pocket. Launching your first product or service is what matters. It doesn’t matter if you don’t owe an office and are sharing space with different companies. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a budget for publicity and advertisements, in this digital era sharing reviews online and word of mouth works big time. Being a company founder, you can always handle the initial rush, the initial enquiries and all the initial hurdles; you need to start somewhere.

Great companies start in garages; yours can too. You doubt it, ask Google.

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  • Adam Cornelis

    Follow your passion, double down on your strength and get to work!

  • Steve Wardman

    I guess it's time to start a new venture.

  • Eric Payne

    Stop focusing on the money you'll receive, focus instead on bringing value to your customers.

  • Lucie Seuren

    I have a business idea but I don’t wanna give it away.

  • John Ferguson

    Good article

  • Patrick Williams

    Most people hate their jobs and only do it for money.

  • Kyle Edwards

    A good business solves an existing problem or prevents the end of something good. It doesn’t necessary have to be a completely new idea.