The 6 Industries With the Highest Rates of Workplace Injuries

Daniel Hall 02/09/2021

Not all jobs are created equally when it comes to risking physical injury.

A 9-to-5 office job will have very different injury rates than a fishing boat or an oil rig. 

Hoping to take a glimpse into the industries topping the high-risk charts? Here are the six industries with the highest rates of workplace injuries.

The Utility Industry

Utility workers are the pillars of modern society. They ensure that buildings are up to code, repair critical infrastructure, and expose themselves to dangerous working conditions daily. 

Suppose you or someone you love experiences an injury while working in construction, waste management, electrical installation, or equipment repairs. In that case, you should partner with legal experts like these to ensure your family achieves fair compensation. 

The Forestry Industry

If you’ve ever watched Ax Men, this entry should be a no-brainer. Loggers often appear as grizzly, grim men who brave nature and the elements to provide wood for construction. 

Many of us would already be hard-pressed to survive the wilderness. Add in heavy machinery, massive falling trees, uneven footing, and chainsaws, and you’ve got the deadliest occupation in the United States. 

The Fishing Industry

You might picture fishing as a relaxing weekend pastime, but on the commercial side, fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Anglers work onboard swaying boats slippery with water while using heavy machinery to pull hundreds of pounds of fish from the ocean floor. 

The chaos of movement, waves, water, fish, and heavy machinery make for a whirlwind storm of an industry. 

The Transportation Industry

Transporting goods is what keeps our economy’s engine running. Unfortunately, moving millions of pounds of people and cargo every day leads to some workplace injuries. Operating heavy machinery is always a risk for those in the driver’s seat or the surrounding area. Many semi-trucks have to drive through dangerous inclement weather, not to mention coping with decreased stopping power. 

Those behind the steering wheel in this industry must exercise extreme caution to avoid adding to the high injury statistics. 

The Warehouse Industry

Many people work long hours inside a warehouse. Daily tasks involve operating machinery, lifting heavy objects, and standing for long shifts. Back injuries, slips, and damage from falling objects are all too common in this seemingly simple job.

The Factory Industry

Almost everything consumers buy is put together inside a factory using a combination of people and machines. These machines can range from a small sewing machine to a robotic system that lifts cars. Employees can catch limbs in these moving parts, causing severe injury.  

Thankfully, there are protection standards for factory workers to keep them safe and reduce workplace hazards. 

Parting Shot

Injuries can happen at any place and any time, especially while on the job. But those who work in the construction, factories, forestry, fishing, and warehousing industries should exercise extreme caution to avoid becoming a statistic. 

If you or someone you know works in any of these professions, ensure that you take legal action in case of an accident. Though it’s best if you don’t get injured, you don’t want to be hurt twice with unfair compensation.

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