The Importance of Icebreakers and Energizers To Motivate Employees

Paul Sloane 14/10/2022

Have you ever been in a meeting where energy levels are low, where people are disengaged or bored?

Or maybe people feel awkward because they have just been thrown together and do not know each other.

Icebreakers are activities of usually around 15 minutes, whereas energizers are quick bursts of activity to re-energize tired or disengaged participants.

In either case a good icebreaker or energizer can change the dynamics in the room and engage everyone. 

During the onboarding process of new remote employees, Icebreaker and energizer games are often overlooked. 

Icebreakers are fun activities to help people get to know one another. Instructors can use them to help acquaint students with course content and expectations.

Energizers and Icebreakers can also be designed to help warm up online learning spaces and orient students to the online environment.

We can’t talk about icebreakers without automatically assuming that fun and enjoyment are also on the table.

Icebreakers are short, practical and fun. You can use them in brainstorms, training sessions, committees, discussions and business meetings. They motivate and stimulate people. Icebreakers can help you to run much more effective meetings because people are more enthusiastic and engaged. Each participant will be glad that you involved them early and broke the ice!

Building a strong team that knows one another is absolutely critical to having a successful organization.

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