The Environment & Utility Services

Daniel Hall 29/06/2022

Utility services are essential to many facilities as they include basic amenities, such as electricity, sewage, water, and natural gas.

That said, while utilities are integral to business operations, they can also adversely affect the environment. 

It begs the question, how can systems essential to space’s functionality have such an impact on the environment? 

Electrical systems in particular have the most significant environmental impact due to their emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, use of water resources to produce steam, generation of solid waste, and more.

The good news is, there are full-service utility contractors who specialize in utility services that are both efficient and sustainable for businesses and the environment. Consider how a professional eco-conscious, turnkey service provider can help you practice sustainability and improve energy conservation by assessing key factors and providing tailored solutions.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Generating electricity often includes burning fossil fuel plants to generate steam, which leads to nitrogen oxide release in the environment. These compounds result in emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. 

You can opt for sustainable consolidated utility services to reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants. An integrated approach from an industry professional will help you reduce your carbon footprint. They can assess resource consumption, asset performance, and waste production trends to customize a plan for you that reduces environmental impacts over the long term.

Solid Waste Generation

Most facility operations generate solid waste, which can include hazardous waste. This waste can influence the environment by contaminating land, water, and air. Most industrial waste can lead to health problems and cause various diseases, such as diarrhea, hepatitis, and salmonellosis.

Consolidated utility service contractors will examine your facility to look for ways to reduce environmental impact, to help you manage waste more efficiently. Waste management is a practical framework that can vastly reduce pollution and improve living standards for humans and animals. 

Water Quality Damage

Many utility services use water resources to produce steam, cooling, and other functions. This can lead to water scarcity or reduce water quality used for consumption and other activities. Water quality is also damaged when pollution from hazardous materials is discharged into water bodies.

Focusing on sustainable utility services will ensure that water quality isn’t compromised significantly due to your facility’s utility operations. They may create awareness of water wastage and promote the use of biodegradable cleaning products and supplies to reduce water pollution. 

Inefficiency & High Costs

Lack of awareness about energy consumption can lead to inefficiency because the machines in your facility will require more energy to operate. This will incur higher costs for your business, cutting down your revenue percentage.

An International Energy Agency study showed how advances in energy technologies and improved energy efficiency can result in significant greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2050.

Working with a sustainable utility service provider will allow you to save energy and costs. A sustainability-focused service provider is well-informed about how to convert energy to reduce environmental impact. They can provide strategies customized to your facility’s needs, allowing you to save costs and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Shifting your business’s utility services to clean and green energy with the help of a single-solution provider and smart technologies will allow you to reduce your carbon footprint. Your new approach to utility services may also give you a competitive edge in your industry.  

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