We Need An Extra Earth

Two weeks ago was Earth Overshoot Day. From this day we're living on 2021’s resources.

In other words, we will have outstripped all the resources the Earth could regenerate in one year.

At the current rate, it would take 1.75 Earths to sustainably meet the current demands of global humanity.

If the world’s population consumed natural resources and produced waste at the rate that the US does, it would take 5 Earths to sustainably meet those needs.

In my home country Switzerland, we reached the overshoot day on the 129th day of 2020.

It would take 2.8 Earths if everyone lived like the Swiss. Last year the global overshoot day was on July 29th, the date of 2020 comes 3 weeks later, due to Covid-19.

Lockdowns around the globe temporarily reduced emissions.

The goal is to move the date by design, and not by disaster.

Our global consumption must decrease from its current rate.

The pandemic brought values around sustainability into sharp focus, intensifying discussions and further polarising views around materialism and over-consumption.

The immediate action we all can take is buying less.

Choosing not to buy a product is the most sustainable thing you can do as a consumer.

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  • Hayley Morgan

    Imagine if our children moved to another earth

  • Ben Kirby

    Quite interesting; I've shared it with my colleagues

  • Jamie Dennis

    We can do more to protect our planet. Coronavirus was a warning.

  • Richard Drage

    After years of overexploiting earth, I am not even surprised.

  • James Nicholls

    We need to leave Earth and go to Mars.

  • Kiely Shaw

    Time for a reality check