Benefits of VR L&D Training for Higher ROI

Naveen Joshi 22/08/2023

VR L&D training provides several benefits to industries, from delivering an enhanced learning experience to providing heightened customer service.

In the highly immersive world of technology we experience, the potential of virtual reality is far and wide, perhaps beyond the way we think. It’s a ‘Presence,’ a sense of realism, as researchers Lombard and Ditton like to put it. In contrast, this disruptive technology is transforming how the world functions, and numerous industries are all set on implementing VR in training to add value to their companies. The increasing coalescence of VR with corporate L&Ds has prompted better proficiency and workplace safety and allowed businesses to flourish. Take a look at the prime benefits companies can avail of VR in training.

Key Advantages of VR in Training for L&D in Companies

Enhanced Learning

Experimentation and action provide a better understanding of the environment. “Learning through the reflection of doing” is the primary method companies can adopt through VR training. VR allows the users to perform high-skilled tasks, having a sensitive virtual environment, which allows them to learn without affecting reality. Employees can get a hands-on experience through immersive training that can hardly be done through a Powerpoint presentation.

Safe Training

Offsite training can be consequential, especially if they are in a compromising environment. However, with VR, the same environment would be replicated virtually so that users can perform tasks without the concern of consequences. BP, at its oil refinery in England, engaged its employees in site safety procedures, including start-up and emergency exit. VR allowed the employees to identify the risks and safety protocols while they learnt from trials and errors so that the same fatal mistakes are not reiterated in the real world.

Efficient Onboarding

When corporations hire employees, the return on investment partly relies on the succession of the onboarding process, making training and skill-acquiring necessary. VR helps the companies minimize the time taken during the onboarding process to initiate quick learning for the employees. They can gather substantial experience and knowledge about the job procedures, safety protocols, operational methods, and more even before setting foot in the field. With VR, companies are now able to train multiple employees simultaneously to save time.

Increased Retention

Facilitating AR at the workplace allows the employees to get an accurate glimpse of the real worksite, making it easier for them to understand the tasks and reduce stress. Dr. Narendra Kini, CEO of Miami Children’s Health System, expressed that the retention level a year after a training session can be as much as 80%, compared to 20% retention after a week with traditional training. This creates a significant decrease in turnover, saving the time and money of organizations.

Improved Customer Service

Customer satisfaction is one of the game changers in every business. Employees, especially the customer service agents, deal with all customers having distinct behavioral patterns. VR equips them with situational awareness and critical thinking, helping the employees take the necessary steps to provide the best services for their customers. Research conducted by Stanford emphasizes the impact of virtual reality on invoking compassion. This helps employees amass empathetic skills to help deliver maximum customer satisfaction.


Whether it is reaping the benefits of VR for employee training or optimizing your logistics and supply chain operations, the applications of VR in training have been exponentially growing, and it would be interesting to see how technology evolves, transforming the future completely.

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