How Digital Transformation is Reshaping Insurance

Daniel Hall 21/07/2023

Digital transformation - an undeniable force of change - is sweeping across industries, rewriting traditional norms and models.

The insurance sector, once seen as slow-moving and paper-heavy, is not immune to this wave of change. Let's delve into how digital transformation is causing a fundamental redefinition within the insurance sector.

The Need for Rapid, Customized Solutions

As we journey further into the era of ‘right here, right now,’ we're seeing customer expectations soaring to new heights. Customers no longer have the patience to wait weeks for claim settlements or to endure long, tedious phone calls for handling queries.

They expect immediate, streamlined, and tailor-made service, and digital transformation is rising to meet these expectations.

Today's insurers are employing tools such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and automation to expedite claim processing and provide bespoke insurance products. Let's look at some striking instances of how these technologies are reshaping the industry:

  • AI-Powered Chatbots – Virtual helpers like Geico's Kate and Allstate's ABIE are altering the customer service landscape by managing routine customer inquiries 24/7. These AI-backed assistants can respond to questions, guide customers through policy details, and even assist in starting the claim process, freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues.

  • Personalized Policy Recommendations – AI and machine learning can sift through vast quantities of data to offer personalized insurance policy recommendations. For instance, Lemonade, a pioneer in Insurtech, utilizes AI to customize insurance rates and coverages based on individual customer profiles and behaviors.

The Influence of Big Data and Advanced Analytics

Big data combined with sophisticated analytics are causing a stir within the insurance sector, particularly with regards to risk assessment. Conventional methods of calculating risk, often slow and laborious, are making way for swift and precise evaluations backed by predictive analytics.

Insurance firms can leverage an extensive range of data, from social media to devices interconnected through the Internet of Things (IoT). This empowers them to delve deeper into their customers’ behaviors, recognize upcoming trends, and anticipate potential risks. Let's delve deeper into how big data and advanced analytics are influencing the industry:

  • Vehicle Telematics and Pay-Per-Use Insurance – Devices such as Progressive's Snapshot or State Farm's Drive Safe & Save gather live data on driving behavior. This data, which includes metrics from speed to braking patterns, enables insurers to provide pay-per-use insurance policies, adjusting premiums based on individual driving habits.

  • Health Monitors and Life Insurance – Companies like John Hancock are redefining life insurance by leveraging data from health monitors. These devices track elements like physical activity and heart rate, enabling insurers to customize policies according to a person's health and lifestyle indicators.

  • Social Media for Comprehensive Risk Evaluation – Some insurers are utilizing social media to conduct a more thorough risk assessment. By scrutinizing data from customers' online activity and posts, insurers can acquire insights into lifestyle habits that may impact insurance risks, such as smoking or participation in extreme sports.

These instances underscore the transformative influence of big data and predictive analytics in the insurance sector. With this data-centric approach, insurers can make more accurate risk assessments and offer truly bespoke policies.

Blockchain on the Rise

Blockchain, often referred to as a revolutionary technology, is gradually gaining momentum within the insurance industry. Offering secure, transparent transactions, blockchain provides a formidable answer to a significant industry problem: fraud.

Blockchain-driven smart contracts are poised to transform claim settlements by automating the process, leading to reduced processing time and enhanced customer satisfaction. This technology not only improves operational efficiency but also strengthens the trust between insurers and policyholders. Let's examine some tangible ways blockchain is reshaping insurance:

  • Combatting Fraud – Blockchain's decentralized and transparent nature makes it nearly impossible for any single entity to manipulate data once it's been logged. This feature is critical for fraud prevention. For instance, Etherisc, a blockchain-based platform, is developing decentralized insurance applications that amplify transparency and eradicate opportunities for fraud.

  • Streamlining Claim Settlements – Blockchain facilitates the use of smart contracts—self-executing agreements with the terms embedded into the code. Companies like AXA have begun to explore this. AXA's 'Fizzy' was a smart contract-based insurance platform that automatically compensated customers if their flights were delayed. Regrettably, AXA discontinued the platform in 2019.

  • Building Trust and Transparency – Blockchain can significantly enhance trust between insurers and policyholders by offering a transparent, unalterable record of all transactions and claims. This transparency can mitigate disputes over claims and improve overall customer satisfaction.

The foray of blockchain into the insurance industry signals a promising shift towards transparency, security, and efficiency. As this technology keeps evolving, we can anticipate it to spark even more groundbreaking changes.

The Need for a Digital-First Mindset

while it's common to think of digital transformation as mostly about adopting new tech, it's actually a whole lot more than that. It signifies a profound shift in mindset and organizational culture. For insurers to successfully navigate this transformative journey, it's crucial to foster an environment that nurtures innovation and welcomes the disruption of age-old business models. Digital transformation should not be seen as a one-and-done initiative but as a sustained process of learning, adapting, and evolving.

Here are some key principles that underline the need for a digital-first mindset in the insurance industry:

  • Embracing Innovation – Companies like Lemonade and ZhongAn are trailblazers in the digital insurance space. They've embraced a culture of innovation, leveraging technologies like AI and big data analytics to reimagine traditional insurance models.

  • Customer-Centricity – Insurers need to place customers at the heart of their digital transformation strategy. This means understanding customer needs, expectations, and behaviors in a digitally connected world and designing services that address these effectively.

  • Agility and Adaptability – Due to the swift evolution of technology, insurance companies need to be nimble and flexible. They should be prepared to try out emerging technologies, learn from both their triumphs and setbacks, and consistently adjust their strategies.

  • Continuous Learning – As technology evolves, so should an insurer's approach to digital transformation. It's essential to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies and continuously upskill the workforce to thrive in a digitally transformed landscape.

These principles underscore that a digital-first mindset is vital for insurers looking to stay relevant and competitive in a digital era. It's all about reshaping the old-school business practices, adjusting to the evolving times, and being primed to shake things up and bring fresh ideas to the table.

Concluding Thoughts: A Brighter Future for Insurance

In essence, digital transformation is reshaping the contours of the insurance industry. Insurers willing to embrace this shift are set to reap substantial benefits. From enhanced customer experiences to data-driven risk assessments, the opportunities are limitless. Amidst all these advancements, the central objective remains the same: to protect and serve customers effectively. In this digitally-transformed landscape, insurers are better equipped than ever to fulfill this mission.

Special thanks to the co-author: Olga Vinichuk, Business Analyst and Insurance IT Consultant at ScienceSoft

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