How Does Outsourced Bookkeeping Contribute to the Future of Financial Management?

Piyush Jain 09/10/2023

Outsourced bookkeeping is an exceptional way for all small or large companies to make a mark in the finance industry.

Outsourced bookkeeping services help CEOs and CFOs produce reliable and accurate decisions that help earn more revenue. Research in Germany stated that the bookkeeping industry will accumulate 41.90$ Billion by 2025. 

Outsourcing bookkeeping is beneficial as it helps companies by using more advanced software and tools. However, outsourced companies are obliged to maintain the privacy of every client. 

Why Should Companies Outsource Bookkeeping?

The primary reason for outsourced bookkeeping is to remove the excess burden from employees. It helps an in-house team concentrate on more strategic, operational tasks and, most importantly, business goals. Moreover, it also reduces the cost and time to hire and train new employees, as it takes eight months for employees to reach productivity. 

That’s why more companies give priority to outsourcing bookkeeping departments. Pakistan's outsourced bookkeeping revenue is forecasted to reach U.S. 0.98 Billion in 2023. 

Moreover, outsourcing a bookkeeping department has countless benefits, let's discuss them. 

Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping

Cost Effective 

Businesses usually have high costs due to the following in-house operations: 

  • Pays rent and utility bills for a space where employees will work

  • Bears all the expense of purchasing technology

Bookkeeping outsourcing providers eradicate all these unnecessary expenses and help companies improve their financial departments. According to a recent study in the U.S., the estimated revenue generated by outsourcing is 145 $ Billion in 2023, which rises from 144.2$ Billion in 2022. 

Time Saver

Job openings, employee interviews, onboarding, and interviews are hectic and time-intensive processes. It pushes the majority of businesses to utilise outsourced bookkeeping services. These services save plenty of time that can be used in other departments, such as the sales and marketing departments. 

Almost 55% of mid-size companies in Latin America have outsourced their departments to save time. 

Expert Opinion and Feedback

In-house bookkeeping is difficult and tiresome; it needs more employees to maintain the financial books. While outsourcing bookkeeping operations provides expert opinions that help businesses eradicate the chances of incorrect information. 

They make sure to provide accurate financial figures that help CEOs to make sound decisions. 

Reduced Frauds 

Usually, businesses rely on CFOs or two to three employees who can manage their financial books and provide accurate results. This culture gives rise to fraud rates in the company. By utilizing outsourcing bookkeeping services, organizations can reduce fraud rates quickly, which helps in company growth. 

Moreover, businesses save resources, contributing to the company's financial well-being. 

Reliable and Confidential Data

By outsourcing the bookkeeping department, the first thought that comes to mind is data security. Obviously, the financial department is the company's backbone, and no company can compromise on financial data. That’s why outsourced bookkeeping service provides exceptional flexibility and scalability without compromising data security and confidentiality. 

Issues with Traditional In-House Bookkeeping Department

Data Entry Issues 

Data entry is time-consuming and requires more employees to deal with financial numbers and facts quickly. But, there are always chances of human errors that lead to inaccurate data. Moreover, stakeholders need authentic information so they can decide accordingly. 

Costly Procedure 

Traditional bookkeeping procedures are costly because a company hires and trains new employees to maintain financial books. The company must also bear building rent and maintenance where employees will sit. The cost of advanced technology such as the internet and laptops. Moreover, they must meet daily expenses that automated bookkeeping can quickly reduce. 

Loss of Hard Copies 

In the traditional systems, companies must keep and maintain hard copies that can be stolen or burnt in any natural disaster. As a result, businesses will lose all the necessary financial data. That’s why 67% of accounting professionals prefer advanced technology. 

Final Verdict 

Traditional bookkeeping processes need to be better to deal with financial numbers and facts in the world of technology. That’s why companies should outsource bookkeeping departments to professional organizations that can efficiently resolve their issues. 

Moreover, outsourced bookkeeping helps in saving time, cost, and resources. Not only this, but automated bookkeeping is also a lifesaver for all types of organizations as it helps provide authentic financial books. These numbers are essential for CFOs, CEOs, and stakeholders as they have to make future decisions.

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