More in Science

1 year

Can Graph Neural Networks be Useful for Reasoning in AI?

Graph neural networks (GNNs) can be useful for reasoning in artificial intelligence (AI), especially in domains that involve structured data, such as social networks, recommendation systems, and chemical compounds.

1 year

Revolutionizing Stem Cell Therapy: How AI Can Optimize Treatment for Patients

Stem cell therapy has shown promise in treating a wide range of diseases and injuries, from cancer to spinal cord injuries.

1 year

The Power of Deep Learning in Computer Vision: Unlocking New Possibilities

Deep learning is revolutionizing the field of computer vision.

1 year

4 Pillars of Artificial Intelligence Ethics

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our world in countless ways, from healthcare to education, business to cybersecurity.

1 year

Overcoming Disability Barriers with Rehabilitation Technology

When a person suffers with a disability, their ability to be able to do routine everyday tasks is hampered.

1 year

Overview of the Bioprocess and Its Essential Stages

The use of living organisms or their parts in the manufacturing of useful goods is known as bioprocess.

1 year

The Transformative Power of Mentorship in Nursing Practice

The nursing profession is the heart of healthcare's harmonious symphony, likened to an orchestra's powerful crescendo that culminates in a healing experience.