Breaking Down the True Cost of Eliquis in Canada

Daniel Hall 13/12/2023

Ever wondered about the actual Eliquis cost breakdown?

This blood thinner medication, necessary for many, can often leave your wallet feeling light.

In this article, we aim to demystify the actual costs associated with Eliquis. We'll break down the prices, discuss potential savings, and help you understand more about your options.

Stick around to understand how you can manage the cost of Eliquis in Canada without breaking the bank.

Understanding the Costs Associated With Eliquis

Eliquis is a brand name for the medication Apixaban. It is used to reduce the risk of stroke and blood clots in people who have atrial fibrillation (a type of irregular heartbeat) or need knee or hip replacement surgery. However, many individuals struggle with understanding the total cost that comes with this life-saving medication.

Typically, the cost of Eliquis varies depending on the dosage and quantity prescribed by your doctor. A 30-day supply can range from $400 to $500, while a 90-day supply can go up to $1,200. This may seem like a steep price to pay for many individuals and families, especially those without extended health insurance coverage.

What Are the Factors That Affect the Cost of Eliquis in Canada?

Several factors can influence the cost of Eliquis in Canada, including:


The dosage of Eliquis prescribed by your doctor significantly impacts the overall cost. Higher dosages will naturally come with a higher price tag. For instance, a 30-day supply of 2.5mg may cost about $400, while the same supply of a 5mg dosage might cost close to $500.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage plays a crucial role in managing Eliquis's costs. If you have a health insurance plan, it may cover a significant part of the cost of Eliquis, bringing down your out-of-pocket medication expenses. However, the amount covered can vary greatly depending on the specifics of your insurance policy, so it's important to check with your provider.

Generic vs. Brand Name

The cost of Eliquis can also be influenced by whether you're purchasing the brand-name drug or a generic version. Brand-name medications often cost more because they're developed by a single company that holds the patent. 

However, generic versions, which contain the same active ingredients, can offer savings. For instance, a generic version of Eliquis may cost around $100 for a 30-day supply, compared to $400 for the brand name.

Pharmacy Discounts

Some pharmacies offer discount programs or loyalty cards that can reduce the out-of-pocket cost of medications. Additionally, individuals often ask, "Is Eliquis cheaper in Canada?" It's advisable to explore various pharmacies and their discount options to find the most cost-effective solution for your medication needs.

The Symphony of Savings in Canada's Healthcare Score

So, now you have a more clear picture of how to navigate the cost of Eliquis in Canada. Finding ways to reduce the financial burden is possible with a little research and an open dialogue with your healthcare provider.

Remember, your health is a priority, and there are always options available to make necessary medications more affordable. Think about these pointers next time you feel overwhelmed by the cost of your medication, and feel confident in your healthcare journey.

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