Cardiac Ejection Fraction Determined By Artificial Intelligence

John Nosta 07/06/2023

From accuracy to workflow, artificial intelligence is becoming validated as an essential clinical tool.

Artificial intelligence (AI)) is making significant strides in the field of cardiology, particularly in determining the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), a critical measure of heart function. Traditionally, sonographers play a key role in assessing LVEF, but recent clinical trials have shown that AI can provide a non-inferior and potentially superior alternative. The results demonstrate that AI assessments were more consistent with final cardiologist assessments compared to sonographers. Moreover, AI-guided workflows saved time and increased efficiency for both sonographers and cardiologists. This study suggests that AI tools have the potential to improve efficacy and efficiency in assessing cardiac function, paving the way for further integration of AI in cardiology and healthcare in general. The future holds promise for AI to enhance diagnostic accuracy, improve patient outcomes, and transform the way we diagnose and treat various conditions.

In the rapidly evolving field of healthcare, artificial intelligence is making waves, particularly in the realm of cardiology. An interesting development is the use of AI in determining the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), a critical measure of the heart’s pumping efficiency.

The Importance of LVEF

The LVEF is a key parameter in diagnosing and monitoring heart conditions. It represents the percentage of blood that’s pumped out of the left ventricle with each heartbeat. A lower than normal LVEF could indicate conditions such as heart failure or cardiomyopathy. Traditionally, sonographers play a frontline role in the initial assessment of LVEF, but recent developments in AI technology are beginning to change this.

AI vs. Sonographers: A Clinical Trial

recent clinical trial compared the use of AI to sonographers for the initial assessment of LVEF in echocardiographic studies. The primary endpoint of the trial was the change in LVEF between the initial AI or sonographer assessment and the final assessment by a cardiologist.

The results were eye-opening and significant. The proportion of studies with a substantial change (more than a 5% change) was 16.8% in the AI group and 27.2% in the sonographer group. This indicates that the AI was more consistent with the final cardiologist’s assessment than the sonographers were. Furthermore, the mean absolute difference between the final cardiologist assessment and an independent previous cardiologist assessment was also smaller in the AI group (6.29%) compared to the sonographer group (7.23%).

The Impact of AI on Cardiac Care

These results suggest that AI can be effectively used for the initial assessment of LVEF, providing a non-inferior and potentially superior alternative to sonographers. But the benefits of AI don’t stop there. The AI-guided workflow saved time for both sonographers and cardiologists, increasing efficiency in the healthcare setting.

Interestingly, the cardiologists were unable to distinguish between the initial assessments made by the AI and the sonographers, indicating the high level of accuracy achieved by the AI. The authors concluded:

Cardiologists required less time, substantially changed the initial assessment less frequently and were more consistent with previous clinical assessments by the cardiologist when using an AI-guided workflow. This finding was consistent across subgroups of different demographic and imaging characteristics…our trial results suggest that AI tools can improve efficacy as well as efficiency in assessing cardiac function.

The Future of AI in Cardiology

The use of AI in determining LVEF is just the tip of the iceberg. As AI technology continues to evolve and improve, its applications in cardiology and other areas of healthcare are likely to expand.

The integration of AI into healthcare promises to enhance diagnostic accuracy, improve patient outcomes, and streamline workflows, saving valuable time for healthcare professionals. As we move forward, the role of AI in healthcare will undoubtedly become more prominent — even indispensable — in revolutionizing the way we diagnose and treat many conditions.

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