Neuroscience: Does Thought or Memory Require Language?

Language is a property of the human mind, conceptually.

Language is a property like most other actions, experiences or components of the mind are properties. Though language has its spread across the mind, it is not the common factor of the mind, for all processes.

Theoretically, there are two basic constants of the human mind, quantities and properties. Quantities, as relaying dots and properties, as loosely static shapes of different dimensions.

All memory, feelings, emotions, reactions and actions are properties. Quantities have a similar blend as properties. Thoughts or their form are mostly quantities, they are what relay to acquire properties across destinations of the mind. If the property is acquired, then the thing is recalled, known, felt, responded to emotionally, reacted to or acted on. If it is not acquired, it is a null property.

The mind is constantly processing 'information' all the time. It does so in these two components. The sight of something falling or some scary sound that results in taking cover, is a quick [thought] process that does not require language. There are several others where the form of something is known, without thinking in a known language. 

Language eases the output of thought, communication and collaboration as a property of the advanced human mind, but it does not drive all thoughts.

Though within the mind as quantities, thoughts are the versions, representations or equivalents of all internal and external senses coming into the mind. Quantities carry a p type, but do not acquire the interpretation until they get within the property destinations. An unknown language comes into the mind the same way a known language does, but it does not acquire properties that interpret it, making the relay of quantities that bear it pick up null. 

There could be sounds similar to something known which may pick up the property, or cadence that may indicate intensity of emotion, but the properties are mostly available per what has been made.

Some properties are natural and others are made by quantities. The process of making properties is not the same or regular process of acquiring them. Some properties are made by repetition, some by rebound from a specific property, so that what follows after one is the other. Some properties also follow a new sequence, creating a stamp that leads directly to making them stick.

Quantities and properties have their respective characteristics. They both have a way they also emerge, conceptually, from the brain's sensory processing hubs, the thalamus and the olfactory bulb.

Music is also a property in the mind. It has to be acquired to be responded to. Quantities in prioritization and pre-prioritization, through different sequences acquire properties that make music suitable in that moment. There are other properties that are acquired for music to be interesting, entertaining, fun and so forth.

Quantities or thoughts are superior to language in the human mind. 

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