5 Essentials That Can Help You Run a Profitable Pet Business

Daniel Hall 05/07/2021

If you've ever thought about running a pet business of your own, you're not alone.

Who wouldn't want to work with cute little pets all day, right? Sadly, there's much more to running a business than just looking after the pets, and it's good that you're reading this article right now to find out what those things are. Nothing's worse than unwanted surprises, and you wouldn't want to get stuck doing something entirely different from what you thought you'd be doing down the road. 

Pet businesses are both very different and basically the same as any other business. They need capital, a solid idea, a business plan and many other things. Running a successful pet business also means amazing growth - Americans spend billions on their pets every year, and the number has been steadily growing for the last decade! So, what would you, a pet lover turned future business owner, have to do to get in on some of the action? 

Well, first things first you'll have to do your research. It's a good sign that you're reading this article right now. That means you have the research part down already! 

1. Market Research 

While not every household uses pet sitters, it's still a profitable business, and almost every household with a pet needs a pet groomer regularly. Do your research into the different types of pet related services you can offer and determine which one would be a good fit for you. 

At this point, avoid letting sentimentality cloud your judgement and objectively weigh all your options. Sure, one thing might sound better to you than your other options but would it really work for you? Start by putting it all down in black and white, and then going from there. 

Running a pet portrait business like Instapainting does is one option. Sure it will have you working with pets but it’ll hardly be as delightful as being a pet groomer and meeting the furry friends everyday. Once you know all the kinds of pet shops you can run, delve deeper into what trade secrets and inside knowledge you need to have to run one. 

2. Know What You're Getting Into 

You might love pets, you might want to help animals, but do you love running a pet business? The easiest way to find out would be to volunteer at a pet clinic and find out. Working there for a month or two will be able to give you some clarity on whether or not you want to go down this road. 

A pet business will be stable, but are you really the person to make your life all about pet grooming, training, and pet products? 

3. Manage Your Finances! 

Pet businesses aren't easy to establish or maintain, especially not at first. Before you start investing money into it, make a financial plan to keep you afloat, even if you don't immediately strike gold. Many estimates state that $30,000 might be the right amount to get your business on its feet. 

Of course, this estimate is really subjective. A better idea would be to individually inquire how much you'd have to spend on all parts of your business and plan accordingly. 

4. Be Creative 

Keep in mind that no one expects a startup to have incumbent-level marketing. You might not have a great budget, but you'll be successful as long as you're creative about your spending and manage to make a splash. 

You can use any number of ways to get noticed, from a great new product to a disruptive ad campaign. Anything that helps you stand out is good, but be careful not to play devil's advocate too much. Strike a balance and get the help of an expert if needed and you'll be fine. 

5. Be Ready for the Regulations  

Pet businesses are the most regulated in America, which means that when you want to break into it you'll be hit with a huge wall of legal loopholes to jump through before you can work how you want to. 

Keep that in mind, look into the kinds of regulations your specific kind of business would need and make sure you follow the regulations. This way you'll make sure your business stays up and running - no one wants to take their pets somewhere the government has had a problem with in the past.

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