5 Moments of Hope Against Covid-19 from 2021

They say that if you want to be a positive person, you have to look for the good in every situation.

As far as the pandemic is concerned, it has been incredibly hard to look for the good - but there have been glimmers of hope to keep people going. 

From acts of kindness like clapping for the NHS in the UK, to the White House putting up Christmas decorations that pay respects to covid frontline workers - these random acts have kept us going somewhat by shining a beacon of joy during darker times.  

Let's have a look at some of the most notable moments of hope against covid-19.

1. Australia Accommodating Religious Traditions

Australia is a country that has built a reputation over the last two years for having some of the strictest covid-19 restrictions. But they did shine a beacon of hope towards the relaxation of covid-19 restrictions. Parts of Australia — namely Sydney and Melbourne — even accommodated religious practices.  

The sounding of the shofar is a Jewish religious ritual used throughout the month of Elul, on Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur. While it traditionally resembles a ram’s horn, there are now hundreds of variations of shofar horns for sale. Jewish people were able to celebrate Elul, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur using the shofar to honor their religious traditions. 

The sound holds deeply religious connotations, but 2021 saw it take on a new, additional meaning: a sound of perseverance and hope in the face of tragedy.

2. Globally Improving Vaccine Developments

Globally, the race to improve vaccine development and distribution is a glimmer of hope in itself. As the vaccine uptake increases, some countries can look towards fewer restrictions and more freedom. As it stands, the United Arab Emirates is the country with the best vaccination uptake, with 92% of the population fully vaccinated. The United Arab Emirates enjoy fewer restrictions and highlight how effective the vaccine can be.

3. Christmas Gets The Green Light

Christmas, for most of the world, has got the green light this year. Despite rising covid-19 cases again, the US and UK governments, for example, have promised Christmas will go ahead as usual without restrictions. For some people who have struggled to see their family this year, it's a definite glimmer of hope. 

4. The End Is Near

The biggest glimmer of hope in 2021 is that the end is near - or so we're told. Despite new variants and rising concerns, governments still assure us that the finish of the pandemic is close as more people get a vaccination. There are also scientific experts claiming the end is near because we're edging more towards covid-19 being in the same classification as the flu - something we just have to deal with.

5. The Borders Opening Up

The opening of the borders was a glimmer of hope, somewhat, even though there are restrictions, has been one of the best glimmers of hope this year. The example of Australia's borders is the best. Some Australians haven't been allowed back into the country to see their families for over a year. For the rest of the world, the borders opening up meant options to go on holiday, to visit relatives in other countries, and like much of Australia, to return home.


Covid-19 has taught us a lot about life, its meaning, and how it can change in a heartbeat. Never would people think the pandemic would transpire into what it is today - we can only cling to those glimmers of hope that normal life will return soon.

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