Breathing Space for March

March is nearly the start of spring for some, and the continuation of winter for others.

Nevertheless, you can accomplish a lot during this month and then have time to savor:

Go through your closets and drawers and pull out everything you haven't worn in the past two years. Set the clothing aside and donate it to the Salvation Army, Goodwill, your local church, or any other outreach organization.

Plan a spring vacation by getting brochures, pamphlets, books, or advice from friends on where to go for a relaxing week or weekend.

After choosing a vacation destination, make necessary advance travel plans such as flight reservations, hotel reservations, and car rentals.

One inclement Sunday afternoon, go through your bookshelf, pull out the books you know you'll never want or need to read again, and make a donation to your local library.

If you recycle, spend a few hours one Saturday packing and taking all stray items to appropriate pick-up sites. If you don't recycle, start today.

Challenge yourself to make small improvements in your daily life, such as leaving the house on time, giving up a favorite fattening dessert, or putting your seat belt on before starting your car.

Celebrate St.Patrick's Day by getting together with friends or family members. Rise to the occasion by wearing something green all day.

Celebrate the spring Equinox! Learn a new constellation in the sky, or read about astronomical phenomena like tides, rotation, and revolution.

Share the live excitement of March Madness – invite friends over for an NCAA tournament game.

Eat dinner early one night each week this month in order to make time for family conversation.

Eliminate all extraneous noises that compete for your attention at dinner. Cut off the TV and radio, and find out what's really going on in your family members' lives – talk to each other.

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