Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Felix Yim 14/11/2023 1

Motorcycle accidents are not uncommon in the U.S.

That is the grim conclusion reached in multiple studies, one of which comes from the National Safety Council (NSC). It found that while they accounted for only 3% of all registered vehicles and 0.6% of all vehicle miles traveled on American roadways, motorcycles were involved in 14% to 17% of fatal crashes and 3% of crashes involving injuries in 2021. Another study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed that 236 motorcycle crashes result in injuries daily in the U.S. It further revealed that the odds of motorcyclists being in a motorcycle accident are 1 in 100. Finally, a recent study published by Forbes found that motorcycle accident fatalities have increased by more than 20% over the last decade.

What Are the Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents on America's Roads?

Multiple things are to blame for motorcycle accidents on America's roads, interstates, and freeways.  While some are in a rider's ability to control, others are not. According to many top motorcycle accident attorneys across the country and motorcycle insurance providers, aside from inclement weather and poorly maintained roads, the primary cause of motorcycle accidents include 

Inexperience and Reckless Riding

Like driving a car, truck, or SUV, motorcyclists gain more experience every time they ride a bike. Many young and first-time riders are not nearly experienced enough to avoid problems on the road that often result in an accident, such as potholes, debris, and uneven surfaces. Many of those riders also frequently engage in reckless riding, which only further increases their chances of becoming the victim of a motorcycle accident. Registering for and completing a motorcycle training program to receive a motorcycle license and riding responsibly when on the road can all go a long way toward lowering a motorcyclist's chances of being in an accident. 


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding is a factor in many motorcycle accidents. In a recent study, the agency notes that around 33% of fatal motorcycle accidents involve speeding. By comparison, speeding is only a factor in 19% of fatal accidents involving motorists in passenger cars. Riding at the post speed limit can increase a rider's reaction time and lower their chances of being in an accident. 


Many people ride motorcycles while under the influence. And just like driving a car, doing so significantly puts them at heightened risk of being in an accident and maybe even losing their life. Available data shows over a quarter of fatal motorcycle accidents reported in 2020 were alcohol-related. That amounts to around 27% of all motorcycle crashes. Riding sober and obeying traffic rules can lower the probability of being in an accident considerably.

Lane Splitting

For those unfamiliar with the term, lane splitting refers to intentionally riding a motorcycle between lanes or rows of traffic that has either stopped or is moving slowly. It is a common practice among inpatient riders and one that leads to many motorcycle-related crashes. According to one study, motorcyclists who engage in lane splitting are 12% more likely to be involved in a crash than those who do not. And that's because drivers of cars, trucks, and SUVs often don't see them, and when those drivers make lane changes of their own, they often collide with motorcyclists. To that end, traveling in a single lane and safely and legally changing lanes when necessary can lower a rider's chances of being in a crash. 

In summary, few things compare to the freedom of riding a motorcycle and being one with the road. However, doing so can be dangerous if individuals ride recklessly, choose to ride while under the influence, ride without a license, or fail to obey traffic laws. Motorcycle accidents have a high fatality rate. Data show that in 2021, motorcycles were involved in .78% of all car accidents in Kentucky, but accounted for 7.46% of all fatal accidents. Riders should be aware of the common causes of dangerous accidents and ride defensively to avoid them.

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  • steve fish

    there's old bikers and bold bikers but no old ,bold bikers. the life you save will be your own