Controversial Kiss Sparks Sexism Debate Beyond Football: Spain's Need for a Me Too Movement

Riddhi Doshi 29/08/2023

A tumultuous week in women's football following Luis Rubiales' kiss on Spanish national star Jenni Hermoso's lips at the Women's World Cup final has ignited a global conversation transcending both sport and borders.

Amidst allegations of non-consensual behavior, the incident raises critical questions about sexism, gaslighting, and the need for a Me Too movement in Spain.

The Kiss Incident is Overshadowing the FIFA Women's World Cup 

Luis Rubiales, president of the Spanish football federation, is under scrutiny after the incident, with Spain's top criminal court initiating a preliminary investigation into whether the actions constituted sexual assault. Rubiales vehemently denies any wrongdoing, asserting the kiss was consensual and framing himself as a victim of character assassination.

While Rubiales maintains his stance, Jenni Hermoso disputes the notion of consent. The Spanish football federation, in response, questioned Hermoso's assertion and even threatened legal action for "lies." The divergent narratives highlight the complexity of addressing such allegations, often resulting in victim-blaming and doubts regarding the authenticity of claims.

Experts underscore the significance of this case as an emblematic instance of gaslighting—an emotional manipulation tactic aimed at undermining victims' perceptions. Laura Bates, founder of the Everyday Sexism Project, observes the pattern of powerful men closing ranks and employing gaslighting and victim-blaming on an international scale. The presence of video evidence has not shielded Hermoso from disbelief.

Spain's Urgent Need for Me Too

Bates emphasizes the broader impact on women who witness such incidents. Despite the prominence of evidence, the prevailing skepticism sends a disheartening message—standing up against powerful figures is an uphill battle. Many women hesitate to report harassment due to fear of not being believed, reflecting the widespread challenges women face when confronting such behavior.

Spain's response to this incident resonates with advocates pushing for a Me Too movement in the country. The incident underscores deeply ingrained gender norms and attitudes toward women. The absence of a strong Me Too movement has left many women feeling disempowered and unheard, contributing to a culture where sexual harassment and abuse often go unaddressed.

Uniting Against Sexism & Shifting Societal Norms

The incident has triggered a diverse range of responses, with some standing by Hermoso and others defending Rubiales. However, those who stand united against such behavior play a pivotal role in fostering change. Public figures, regional leaders, and even resignations within the Spanish football federation reflect a growing momentum for accountability.

Semra Hunter, a football presenter and journalist, highlights that this incident is emblematic of wider societal issues, indicating the normalization of sexual abuse, violence, and misogyny. The collective condemnation signifies a societal shift towards recognizing and confronting ingrained misconduct.

A Reckoning Moment for Rubiales

Luis Rubiales faces potential legal inquiries and internal investigations. The outcome of these proceedings will determine the repercussions on his career. The incident has prompted Spain to engage in a larger dialogue about sexism, gender dynamics, and the imperative need for a Me Too movement to provide a platform for women to share their experiences and demand change.

The kiss that sparked a global debate illustrates the enduring struggle against gender-based discrimination and harassment. The incident's resonance emphasizes the critical importance of fostering a Me Too movement in Spain to empower women, challenge norms, and demand accountability. While the Rubiales case represents a complex challenge, it also serves as a catalyst for change, driving conversations about gender equity and cultural transformation.

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