Essential Facts to Know about Elder Abuse

Riddhi Doshi 12/04/2022

Elder abuse is a single or repeated intentional act or failure to act appropriately, resulting in harm or distress to an older adult.

Abuse can happen within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, at the caregiver’s hands or with a person the elder trusts. If this happens, it is essential to contact an elder abuse attorney for legal assistance. An older adult is someone who is 60 and above years of age. There are several types of elder abuse you should know about:

Types of Elder Abuse

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is the intentional use of physical force, such as the act of slapping, pushing, kicking, and burning. It may result in physical harm such as injury, pain, functional impairment, illness, or distress.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse entails forced or unwanted sexual contact of any kind with an older adult, including sexual harassment. It may result in pelvic injuries, problems walking or sitting, pain in or bleeding from the anus or genitals, bruised genitals, or inner thighs.

Psychological/ Emotional Abuse

Psychological abuse involves intentional acts that inflict mental pain, fear, distress, or anguish on an older adult. It can take the form of insults, humiliation, threats, harassment, isolation, intimidation, and barring access to resources.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is the improper, unauthorized, or illegal of an elder’s resources for the benefit of someone other than the older adult. The resources may include; property, assets, belongings, or benefits.

Elder Neglect

Elder neglect is failing to protect or meet an elder’s basic needs. The needs may include food, shelter, water, hygiene, clothing, and vital medical care. Neglect happens due to carelessness or lack of regard for an elder’s wellbeing.

Elder Abandonment

Elder abandonment is sometimes combined with elder neglect. It is an intentional deserting of an elder without any formal arrangement by a person who assumed their care. The elderly may be abandoned in a hospital, nursing home, or by a relative who does not accept to be a caregiver.

With all these types of abuse, elder abuse may happen without you realizing it. Therefore, it is essential to put in measures to help curb elder abuse of you or your loved ones.

Prevention of Elder Abuse

Various factors may increase or decrease the risk of experiencing or reporting elder abuse. It is essential to properly understand and address the factors that protect or put the elderly at risk for violence. Here are the ways you can help prevent elder abuse:

  • Always listen to elders and their caregivers to understand their challenges and provide proper support.

  • Learn and also educate others on how to recognize and report elder abuse.

  • Learn to differentiate between the signs of elder abuse and the normal aging process.

  • Report suspected abuse or abuse to your local adult protective service provider or the police.

  • Maintain regular contact with your loved ones since the isolated elderly are at high risk.

With an increase in the number of older adults, there have been increased elder abuse cases. That is why it is imperative to hire an elder abuse attorney to help your loved ones stay safe from elder abuse.

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