Fighting a Wrongful Death Suit: What You Should do First

Daniel Hall 21/03/2022

It is bad enough and heartbreaking enough when a loved one dies suddenly.

But, what if you suspect that someone was to blame for their dying through negligence or wrongdoing? How can you get justice for your loved one? How do you fight the guilty party, insurance companies, and the legal system to get compensation for their loss? Getting an attorney to help early in the process is the best plan. An attorney with experience in wrongful death lawsuits knows all the rules and regulations involved with wrongful death lawsuits.

Talk to a Good Law Firm

When you think a loved one has died because of another person's carelessness, negligence, or wrongdoing, it is important to talk to a law firm ASAP so the records and evidence are still fresh and available. There is also a statute of limitations for the time a person has to file a lawsuit. The lawyers at Boohoff Law can help the relatives of people who have died because of the actions of another party. Wrongful death lawsuits can be won using the right strategy.

Start by calling a trusted law firm with experience in wrongful death lawsuits, they can answer all wrongful death questions. They will often meet with a prospective client at no cost to evaluate the case and tell the person if they have a viable case and how much compensation they are entitled to. If the client and the law firm agree the case is worth pursuing, a process starts.

Get Some Financial Help

Time is one of the most important factors when it comes to winning a wrongful death lawsuit. The litigation process can be long and drawn out, often lasting for months or even years. This can put financial strain on the relatives of the deceased who may already be coping with medical bills, funeral expenses, and other costs associated with their loved one's death.

When facing financial challenges during the legal process, choosing a lawsuit loan company can be a consideration. This option provides financial assistance by offering a pre-settlement advance against the potential settlement, helping cover expenses while awaiting the resolution of the case. You can get more info here and see how this type of loan can provide relief during the difficult time of a wrongful death lawsuit. It is important to carefully research and compare different companies before making a decision, as not all loan companies offer the same terms and rates.

One Process to Handle Wrongful Death Cases

The law firm will have a process for dealing with wrongful death claims that resembles this.

  1. The client tells the law firm their story and describes their situation. The lawyers will discuss the case and a way forward.

  2. Within a couple of days the law firm will make a decision on representing the client. The client will be notified, and if the case is going on, a legal team will be assigned and begin guiding the client through their case.

  3. The legal team will help the client gather documentation for their claim including medical records, insurance policy details, lost wages, medical and repair bills, and anything else that is needed for the case.

  4. The legal team will study the case and formulate a plan to go forward. The legal team will fight to win the case for the client at every step from filing the lawsuit to going to court if needed.

  5. The lawyers will work with the defense, insurance company, and court system to get the best result for their clients. They are prepared to go to court if negotiations are not successful. They will gather evidence and documentation of every detail.

Wrongful death lawsuits are complicated, and a person needs legal help to navigate the whole process. Holding the negligent party responsible and getting fair compensation is a process weighted with rules, regulations, and time limitations. The law firm will not collect a legal fee until the case is won, but compensation should be discussed early in the case. 

Wrongful Death Lawsuits Must Be Proven

The plaintiff and their lawyer must show the following facts:

  • The death of a human being happened

  • This death was caused by the defendant's negligence, or intent to cause harm

  • The surviving family members have suffered a monetary injury because of the death

  • A personal representative has been appointed for the decedent's estate.

The main way to measure damages in a wrongful death is financial or pecuniary injury. Courts interpret this as loss of support, services, medical and funeral expenses, or inheritance. The law provides for fair compensation. Courts see wrongful death as a claim against a person who caused or can be held liable for a person's death. A lawyer must prove their client's case to the satisfaction of the court.

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