Plumbing Industry Trends and Market Outlook in 2022

Plumbing is an industry essential to the functioning of any economy.

It is an industry so vital to modern society that it is a critical sign of the health of a civilization. However, every industry has been affected since the pandemic, including the plumbing industry. 

If you are a plumber or own a plumbing business, you have to be aware of the trends in the industry. You also need to know the market outlook to understand how to best position your company and take advantage of any changes in the industry. 

The following are some of the plumbing industry trends and the market outlook for 2022: 

Embracing Software Solutions

Most people don't think of software when they hear plumbing. An efficient estimating process has always been necessary but challenging for plumbers and plumbing companies. However, since the pandemic, various issues have plagued the industry, such as supply chain shortages, leading to plumbers needing more accurate estimation methods. 

Enter commercial plumbing estimating software instead of Excel spreadsheets. The software helps plumbers treat plumbing estimations as part of a larger plumbing business process. More plumbers and plumbing companies will be embracing plumbing software solutions in 2022. 

Increased Online Presence

Most people currently search for information online, including sourcing for plumbers. Therefore, you should expect more plumbers and plumbing companies to increase their online presence in 2022. Previously, a plumber could do very well based on referrals and yellow pages listings, but that is no longer the case. 

Having a more substantial online presence is not only good for growing your plumbing business, but it is also now mandatory. A plumbing business must have a website and employ various digital marketing strategies like SEO. Social media is also a tool that every plumbing business must leverage in 2022 and a trend that you will continue to see. 

More Home Repairs

The market outlook for the plumbing industry in 2022 involves making more home repairs. The current prices of houses are very high, meaning that people are choosing to invest in their current homes instead of looking for new ones. The repair, repipe, and home renovation markets are expected to grow in light of the housing market. 

Single-family homes and multifamily properties will be the main drivers of increased home repairs. Lending for such families remains high, so they will have the funds to invest in their homes, including plumbing work. 

Increased Demand for Smart Plumbing Fixtures

Technology is at the core of the plumbing industry's outlook. More homeowners are requesting to have smart plumbing fixtures. Smart appliances are fantastic, and younger generations want smart water heaters, sensors on plumbing systems, and touchless plumbing fixtures. 

It is necessary to have a good plumber to install these fixtures, but it will be different from traditional plumbing jobs. Therefore, plumbing companies will have to invest in technology and employee training to meet consumer demand. 

Reducing water consumption and energy costs is also crucial for younger generations, and plumbers will have to adapt to incorporating such fixture installations in their services. 

More Mobile Communication

Traditionally, you called a plumber, and they had to come to your home to inspect the plumbing to diagnose any issues or determine which upgrades were necessary. However, in 2022, plumbers will have to embrace mobile communication. Clients currently prefer digital communication to face-to-face communication. 

Plumbers may have to diagnose various plumbing issues using video calls in remote places instead of physically being present. Plumbers in 2022 will have no choice but to embrace digital, mobile communication, which could benefit them. 

The plumbing industry is changing rapidly, mainly thanks to technology. The industry trends the plumbing industry can expect in 2022 include embracing software solutions, increased online presence, more home repairs, more demand for smart plumbing, and an increase in mobile communication. The market outlook for the plumbing industry in 2022 is a bright one for those who take advantage.

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