The Essential Role of Women in Society: Why We Need Gender Equality

Riddhi Doshi 08/03/2023

International Women's Day is a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

It is also a reminder of the ongoing struggle for gender equality. Women have played an essential role in society throughout history, yet they have been subjected to discrimination, violence, and unequal treatment. The importance of women in our society cannot be overstated, and achieving gender equality is crucial for the progress of humanity. In this article, we will explore the importance of women in society and why we need gender equality.

The Importance of Women in Society

Studies conducted globally indicate that in every country of the world, women have traditionally assumed the role of primary caregivers for children and elderly relatives. Furthermore, research has shown that when there are significant changes in a society's economy or political structure, women often take the initiative in assisting their families in adapting to the new realities and challenges presented.

Source: Statista

Empowering the Global Economy

Women are an integral part of the global economy. They make up half of the world's population and contribute significantly to the workforce. Women's participation in the workforce has increased dramatically over the past few decades, and they are now essential to the growth of many industries. According to the World Economic Forum, closing the gender gap in the workforce could add $12 trillion to global GDP by 2025. Women-owned businesses also contribute significantly to the economy, creating jobs and driving innovation.

Providing a Positive Impact within Family

Women play a critical role in the family and society. They are often the primary caregivers for children and elderly relatives, and their contribution to the family's well-being cannot be overstated. Women also play a crucial role in shaping the values and beliefs of future generations. The education and empowerment of women have a positive impact on their children's education, health, and social development.

Improving Political Participation

Women's political participation is crucial for democracy and good governance. Women bring different perspectives and experiences to policymaking, leading to better decision-making and more inclusive policies. Women's representation in politics is still low, but progress has been made in recent years. According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the global average of women in parliament increased from 22.5% in 2015 to 25% in 2021.

Fighting Discrimination and Violence

Women have been subjected to discrimination and violence throughout history, and it remains a significant problem today. Women's rights are human rights, and achieving gender equality requires addressing discrimination and violence against women. Women's organizations and activists have been at the forefront of the fight for gender equality, advocating for legal reforms and policies that protect women's rights.

Why We Need Gender Equality?

Promoting gender equality is vital for preventing violence against women and girls, as well as ensuring economic prosperity. Societies that value women and men equally tend to be safer and healthier. It is essential to recognize that gender equality is a fundamental human right that must be upheld.

Economic Advantages

Gender equality has significant economic benefits. Closing the gender gap in the workforce could boost global GDP by $12 trillion by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum. Women's economic empowerment also leads to better outcomes for children, families, and communities.

Social Benefits

Gender equality has social benefits as well. It leads to better health outcomes, higher levels of education, and more inclusive societies. Women's empowerment also reduces poverty and inequality.

Human Rights

Gender equality is a fundamental human right. Women and girls should have the same rights and opportunities as men and boys. Gender-based discrimination and violence are human rights violations and must be addressed.

Sustainable Development

Gender equality is essential for sustainable development. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals recognize gender equality as a cross-cutting issue and have specific targets related to women's empowerment and gender equality.


The importance of women in our society cannot be overstated. Women's contribution to the economy, family, and society is critical, and their political participation is crucial for democracy and good governance. Achieving gender equality is essential for the progress of humanity. It has significant economic and social benefits, is a fundamental human right, and is crucial for sustainable development. On this International Women's Day, let us recommit ourselves to the fight for gender equality and work towards a world where women's rights are

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