Want To Sell Your Online Course? Here's How To Find The Right Platform

Daniel Hall 15/10/2021

If you have been searching for a way to sell your online course, then the answer is here.

In this article, we will discuss how to find the right platform for selling your course and why it's important to do so. There are many platforms out there that can be used as an online marketplace for courses, but not all of them are created equally. We'll go over some of the popular options available today and talk about what makes each one unique from another!

Research The Different Platforms That Sell Online Courses

Before you pick a platform to sell your online course, it's important that you do some 

research first. You will need to check the site out and see whether or not it is capable of handling what you have in mind for your course.

One option available today is Udemy. They are known as an e-learning marketplace because they offer both free courses from experts around the world as well as paid ones that can be purchased directly from their website. Udemy has over 65 million students worldwide who take advantage of this platform every month! Another great platform is Thinkific that has a very easy-to-use interface which has made it popular among novice creators. It also provides pre-made templates and layouts to help you quickly launch your online course.

Of course, there are other options out there as well such as Open Lab and EduCreed which have been known to provide a great selling platform for courses in the past. You will need to do some research first before making your final decision because this step is crucial if you want to find the right fit!

Create a Course Outline and Content Before You Start Building Your Course

It's important that your course outline is complete before you start creating the content for it. This means you will need to do some research on what kind of topics are covered in similar courses and how they can be presented in a better way with yours.

How long should each video be? What types of examples or graphics should you use throughout the presentation? How many lectures per topic would be best? These are just some of the questions that need to be addressed first before moving forward into making more decisions about building out your online course. Having an idea of how much time needs to go into this process will also help as well because this may determine which platform you want to sell through!

Know What Your Audience Wants and What They Will Pay For

Before you start looking into the different platforms that sell online courses, it's important to know who your target audience is and how much they would be willing to spend on something like this. This information can help you determine which platform may work best for selling because some of them have a set price point already while others allow authors to charge as much as their course is worth! 

The more targeted traffic there is from those interested in learning from an expert such as yourself, the better chance you'll have at making sales quickly once your content has been published. You don't want to limit your potential customers either by only focusing on one type or another so make sure you consider all types when doing research.

Launch Your Online Course With a Marketing Plan in Place

Once you have your course published, it's time to start marketing it in order to get more people interested! You may even consider running ads with targeted keywords for this specific topic (or others) which can help bring in some extra traffic towards purchasing. Having an email list set up beforehand is also important because this way once someone purchases something, they'll receive updates about new content or when things are on sale!

Use Social Media to Spread the Word About Your New Product

Once your course has been published, it's time to start spreading the word about it! Make sure you have a social media presence already set up if possible or at least one that can be created quickly. Posting announcements on popular sites like Facebook and Twitter are an easy way to gain attention towards your product right away so make sure they are included in this initial marketing plan as well!

With the right platform, launching an online course is a manageable enterprise. If you take into account your audience's wants and needs, as well as how they'll pay for what you're offering before building your course, then it should be easier to find success with marketing efforts after launch.

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