What Are the Benefits of Thermal Box Liners?

Daniel Hall 07/02/2022

Thermal box liners are designed to fit whatever box dimensions. 

Most thermal liners can be recycled. Thermal box liners are just one of the many different types of specialist packaging materials that you will come across when you are considering the best options for protecting your products during the storage or shipping process

This type of box liner is specially designed using aluminium barrier foil. They are manufactured specifically to fit properly into the internal dimensions of any size or shape of corrugated box that you may require for the shipping or storage of the items that you manufacture. Companies such as ProtPack understand that not every product will fit the standard sizes of boxes, or liners, which is why they offer a range of products that are made to fit individual requirements and can even be ordered as one-offs. 

Benefits of Thermal Box Liners

Thermal barrier foil liners are designed specifically to increase the efficacy of any ice packs that you need to use during the shipping process. This ensures that any chilled food goods that you are shipping are able to maintain an appropriate temperature when they are not in a refrigerator. 

It is important if you are shipping chilled food items to ensure that the barrier foil laminates you purchase have been approved to the appropriate FDA standards, or the relevant standards for your country of origin. This means that they will have been approved for use with food and are suitable to come into contact with any food items that you are using them for. 

In addition thermal box liners also:

  • Increase storage time – when products are kept in an ambient environment with ice gel packs products can effectively be kept for times of up to 36 hours without there being any deterioration 

  • Are very cost effective – when compared to other solutions for packaging that you will find on the market thermal box liners represent very good value for money

  • Are durable – thermal box liners are made of durable materials which means that they can be used and then reused

  • Offer optimum warehousing – they take up a significantly smaller amount of space compared to other similar products that you will find in the marketplace that means you do not need as much warehouse space for them

  • Are very tear resistant – they are incredibly tear and puncture resistant, which not only gives you peace of mind for the products that you use them for but also adds to their reusability

  • Have the ability to hermetically heat seal the contents, this means that not only will it be secure inside the box but that it will further assist when it comes to maintaining an appropriate temperature for shipping

Which Industries Might Benefit From Using Thermal Box Liners?

These thermal box liners are suitable for uses in a wide range of industries. These include companies who put together and ship food recipe boxes, those who specialise in fresh meat or poultry products through online orders, dairy goods companies, specialist online grocers stores and companies who specialise in chilled pet foods. 

Over the course of the last couple of years these types of companies have benefited from significant increases in sales due to the events of the pandemic. Individuals who were missing being able to go out for their favourite foods at restaurants have instead taken to the internet to find delivery alternatives that would bring the ingredients that they needed or even chilled meals from their favourite restaurants direct to their door so that they were not missing out while isolating. 

Simply put, if you ship anything where temperature control could be an issue, thermal box liners could provide cost-effective solutions to ensure your products are delivered in the condition your customers expect.

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