4 Steps To KickStart Your Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Naveen Joshi 02/10/2022

A proper artificial intelligence (AI) strategy can scale and improve team effectiveness and bolster company culture.

In order to implement your artificial intelligence strategy, you need to understand how AI works, find out potential business use cases, gather high quality data and check whether your team is skilled.

To make the most out of AI offerings and to drive competitive advantage, you should jumpstart your artificial intelligence strategy by following the guidelines mentioned in this blog post.

As the pace of digital transformation goes up, business leaders should prepare to make faster, smarter, and more tangible decisions around the continuously growing data. Hence, companies need the assistance of artificial intelligence solutions that will allow them to make more, real-time, and accurate decisions for their business with maximum efficiency.

But, for leveraging artificial intelligence in an organization, there should be an effective artificial intelligence strategy in place, which acts as a roadmap that guides business leaders to use the technology for the right business use cases. However, according to a study, more than 50% of organizations do not have an artificial intelligence strategy in place. Not having an explicit strategy will lead to under-utilization or wastage of artificial intelligence applications. Hence, to avoid such unfavorable scenarios, you should jumpstart you artificial intelligence strategy by following the guidelines shared below.

1. Understand How Artificial Intelligence Works

The growing rate of digital data that assimilates from various sources, including social media platforms, client interactions, competitor actions, IOT devices, and so on, contains rich and meaningful information that has the potential of disrupting an entire industry. Hence, to transform business processes and to stay ahead of competitors, we witness a rapid increase in the adoption rate of artificial intelligence across organizations. But adopting artificial intelligence is not as easy as one may think. Before leveraging the technology, there needs to be a strategy that guides CIOs and their peers throughout their journey with AI. The right AI strategy will give the organizational heads deep knowledge of:

  • how big data can be used for various business use cases

  • how much data is needed to train an artificial intelligent system

  • how skilled is the existing employee base

2. Identify Potential Business Use Cases

If your organization does not contain an artificial intelligence strategy, here are some guidelines that will help you create one for yourself. Before defining an artificial intelligence strategy, you should have explicit knowledge of:

  • how artificial intelligence works,

  • how the technology helps various business use cases, and

  • what its multiple applications are.

Knowing exactly what you can use artificial intelligence for in your business will give you a roadmap for identifying potential use cases. For instance, an AI person generator can help organizations create customized personas for their target audience, which can then be used to create personalized marketing strategies. Similarly, AI-powered chatbots can assist customer service teams in handling customer inquiries and providing quick responses.

3. Gather High Quality Data

Besides, you should identify how your competitors are using artificial intelligence solutions for their business use cases. The next step is to determine the right use case that can be incorporated into artificial intelligence, which will provide higher revenue growth. You should also check whether data that is collected is of high-quality, which will help train the artificial intelligence system better. After you’re done with collecting the high-quality data, you should check whether you have enough resources in your company. Check whether there are enough IT professionals and experts who will help draw insights from the data to make quick, smart, real-time critical decisions.

4. Check Whether Your Team is Skilled 

By now, you might have become clear of the fact that artificial intelligence is not some quick-fix solution that will directly provide you with the required results and insights. Artificial intelligence requires a well-planned strategy that collaborates IT professionals and the technology with data to drive business growth and reduce administrative costs.

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