How Do GPS Trackers, Alarms & Immobilisers Affect Your Insurance?

Daniel Hall 20/01/2021

With car insurance premiums making up an additional expense for car owners on top of running and maintaining a car, it is no surprise people will seek ways to lower their annual insurance costs.

Trackershop have given us a few options as to how and why this is possible by simply enhancing your vehicle’s security with technology including GPS trackers, alarms, and immobilisers. 

Security Measures For Your Vehicle

GPS Trackers

GPS trackers can be installed into any type of vehicle from cars to HGVs. They work by monitoring your vehicle’s location 24/7. They will act as a form of security by increasing your chances of recovering your vehicle in the event of a theft or burglary. With trackers ranging in specification, you may also find other features such as an ADR (Automatic Driver Recognition) system and vehicle immobilisation, depending upon the category of vehicle tracker you choose to install. For some high value, high speed vehicles such as sports cars, you may find your insurance company require the installation of a specific category of GPS tracker, as part of your policy agreement. This is not unusual for cars which may be more likely to attract unwanted attention and those which are being kept and driven in big cities where car theft rates are higher. 

Engine Immobilisers 

Engine immobilisers have been a required piece of tech in cars since October 1998. Therefore, cars manufactured past this time point should already have them installed. If you are unsure, you can check whether you have an immobiliser by reading your owners’ manual. This will include information regarding the installation of an engine immobiliser at the point of manufacturing. An engine immobiliser works by only allowing your vehicle to start by using the correct key or fob. The intention is to prevent your vehicle from being stolen by protecting it from hotwiring thieves. 


A car alarm is a perfect way for you to add an additional security measure to your vehicle. Car alarms can offer you protection and act as a deterrent, helping to prevent vandalism, burglary, protect your belongings, and provide you peace of mind. As well as acting as a deterrent for thieves, an alarm will also alert you to any unwanted behaviour from those who wish to damage or steal your property. Most car alarms on the market can be installed to any car model or make and may even come with some additional features, like GPS tracking. 

Lower Your Insurance Premiums

With the cost of running a car reaching upwards of £1000 per year for owners, the likelihood is you will be wondering; how does investing more money into additional security help lower my premiums? By installing one or more of the methods mentioned above your car will be considered safer and less likely to be stolen or vandalised. This is one of the reasons hundreds of people claim on their insurance each year. Car insurance companies determine your annual costs by taking into consideration your individual circumstances, from age, experience, location, cost of car and importantly the security of your car. Most registered providers turn to Thatcham (an independent institution who rate the security of cars) to determine how secure your car is. By installing Thatcham approved products such as GPS trackers, alarms, and immobilisers your car will be ranked highly by Thatcham for security. With a high Thatcham rating, your insurance provider will consider this and lower your rates. 

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