How To Write A Script To Mount Your YouTube Videos

Daniel Hall 10/08/2021

Since its inception in 2005, YouTube has become one of the most powerful avenues to reach consumers.

However, it seems that recently it is gaining even greater weight in content marketing strategies.

More and more users are consuming video blogs (vlogs) or, at least, combining them with the consumption of other types of content. For this reason, more and more brands and companies are forced to make the leap to the video format and open a YouTube channel. A jump that must be taken while being prepared for the results to be as expected. The quality of the final result of a video is due, in large part, to the scripting of the speech. So, in this article, I will tell you all the steps to create a perfect video script. 

Why Script A Speech?

The technique that I have found to feel more confident when giving a speech and recording for my YouTube channel without regard is neither more nor less than having a previously written script for the video at hand.

The script for a speech is not to serve as a reading at the time of recording but to precisely guide us before starting to speak. In addition to this, taking your time writing the script for your own videos ensures you have:

  • Mental predisposition: Developing a previous script will allow you to calmly prioritize the contents and dedicate the necessary time to each part.
  • Leading thread: This way, you will have a clearer thread that you must follow to develop all the content of the video (and not bore those who listen to you).
  • Security and firmness: Working with a script guarantees having the most consolidated subject, which gives you security when defending it with words.
  • Visual support: From this type of script, you can extract information to show in your presentation videos or educational material for your users.

Once you have written the script for your YouTube video, you must practice the speech. When we try to put up different ideas that we have in mind, we must know how to present them and connect them so that the result is understandable and natural.

How to Structure and Create a Video Script?

In order to write a script for a meaningful YouTube video, there are two factors that you have to take into account:

  • The structure that these types of documents have.
  • The steps to create a script.

We will see each of these two aspects, with special emphasis on the structure, which will help you organize your work before recording.

Structure of a Script For Your YouTube video

When creating a script, you must be clear about the structure of your video. As for any other format in which you tell a story, you need to be clear about the introduction, the body and the conclusions. Your script must include:

  • Intro scene: Not all YouTubers have one. A YouTube intro will always be repeated at the beginning of each video. It usually lasts between 10 and 20 seconds.
  • Intro topic: It should not last more than a minute since it should only be a short scene introducing the topics that will be covered in the video.
  • Speech development: This is divided into different subsections that make up the different topics to be told. Each of them should last no more than 2 minutes to be concise and the viewer does not lose the thread. Mark the change of subject well by saying it or with posters in the video.
  • Farewell or closing: Between 30 seconds and a minute, that highlights the main ideas and, if you want, announce what will be covered in the following video.

The central part will last as long as subsections exist. That is, if you are going to talk about how to write a script for a YouTube video, you could include:

  • Why a script should be created before recording.
  • The parts that the video content will include.
  • What recommendations to consider when writing it.

If your subject is deeper and combines different takes, you may need about five stages in between. In that case, your total video could exceed 15 minutes.

In any case, my recommendation is that you opt for shorter videos (about 5 minutes approx.), And create a series of subsequent videos to go deeper into the subject without being overwhelming at first impact.

Steps to Create a Script for YouTube

Developing a good script for your videos requires following specific steps that will guarantee an excellent final result. With this script, you can later create different tools that facilitate recording.

We are going to see the step by step and then I will give you a few tips to take advantage of the work done and record smoothly:

1. Select a theme and address a problem

The first step, as in any content management, consists of planning the theme. You should decide what to talk about and think carefully about the approach that will be given to the subject.

2. Define your content and deliver the goods

Once you have chosen the theme for your YouTube video, what information will you give? Write down everything you want to say about it on a sheet of paper.

3. Organize the sections and be conversational

With all the information collected and being clear about everything you want to tell, it is time to rank the sections. It is about defining in what order each thing is going to be counted, how the contents will be grouped and what is more important and therefore requires more dedication within the video.

4. Establish a central story and gauge interest 

Now that all the information is well defined and structured, it will be easy to find a common thread to unite all the ideas. And it is about applying storytelling techniques. Therefore, it is necessary to think about what all the sections have in common and how the information can be presented in a pleasant and clear way for the user.


Creating content in a YouTube video format can be somewhat complicated if public speaking is not your strength. However by having a consistent content strategy, appealing visuals and thought provoking scripts you can attract a strong audience.

In addition to writing a script beforehand, my last advice for you to record the best videos is to find a place where you feel the best talking (without echoes or background noise). Now you can get started with the script with the tips above.

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