The Surge for Cloud Data Integration Solutions: Why It's Happening and How to Proceed

Daniel Hall 06/11/2021

Before you get cloud data integration solutions, almost anyone in modern business can predict the trajectory of your organization once it finds scalable success.

Before companies first come to the fore, they carry with them a set of hand-selected, stable, and satisfying CRM and ERP tools that don’t necessarily require integration. These sources of truth are reliable on their own—at least, prior to a business boom.

Once success burgeons and swells, the story changes. Rather than continue to operate in the same fashion together with loads more information, these databases and infrastructures actually start to disintegrate into lower levels of reliability. Higher demands are added to your data as you serve more customers with more needs in new and exciting niches. With this demand comes the need for data integration.

Without integration, business leaders face more difficult-to-manage environments as they’re forced to task their employees with huge amounts of data entry—copying from one database simply to manually add it to another—which results in errors, erroneous wastes of resources, and overall inefficiency. They also struggle to access these bits of information once they’re manually entered with multiple sources of truth rather than a centralized, comprehensive view of the business. 

Luckily, according to, cloud data integration tackles changing business needs. Through ready-to-hand, third-party installations of cloud data integration solutions, organizations can now command their data assets with greater speed, security, and assurance—picking up the slack caused by uncoordinated databases and building profitability in the process. 

Productive Patterns from Integrated Information Environments

When it comes to the specifics, every business varies in the tools it chooses to accomplish its mission, serving customers with unique products in novel ways. But—while an organization may also use a different number of platforms and software to meet its many roles—most of them have a need to manage operations in finance, support, intelligence, and more through a CRM and ERP. 

Unfortunately, even these two alone do not usually share information with management and teams in the most fruitful, integrated format that modern businesses increasingly choose. The emerging trend, then, is to use a third-party solution to bridge the gap between tools, databases, and software for an approach to business that is rejuvenated by automation, productivity, and efficiency. 

As a result, most organizations see these common outcomes from their decision to make data cloud-based and integrated:

Preventing Data Obscurity and Encouraging Openness

More able to depend on data synchronized through third-party integration solutions—company management and organizational leaders stop data from being lost to human error and hidden in the wells formed by multiple sources of truth. They are able to create a transparent data environment characterized by more clarity on the direction their companies should take in capturing new markets and exploiting innovation opportunities. With a more open system for accessing data, they more easily identify trends in the numbers, seeing the path forward for a scaling business with more simplicity and elegance than ever. 

Coordinating Core Functions and Operations Optimally

Most companies have arms stretching in many directions. From needs to fulfill in manufacturing, inventory, finance, service, and support, all see improvement through data integration because it means better insight. As these departments work alone, they get the best information to support their decisions and directions; while working together, they also optimize the workflows that make the business successful. The result is often selling more products, cutting frivolous expenses, and boosting business production that directly improves profit margins. 

Producing Better Outcomes in Sales, Marketing, and Beyond

Integration and automation through third-party tools allow companies to cut out the need for manual data entry which previously moved information from source to source. Since that process carries a slow pace, results in internal record errors, and can be easily automated to save money—integration means giving your teams more time to succeed at their core functions while serving up the right data to help them get work done. 

This impacts every corner of the organization when a company can connect its CRM, ERP, and other tools into one powerhouse of productivity and profit. Through connection, these tools fuel better business forecasting as well, making it easier for companies to see chances to excel and giving them the structural backbone to take advantage of what priceless data suggests. 

Capture Cloud Data Integration with Rapidi

Rapidi renews businesses that have struggled with complex, disconnected data environments in the past. Tools like RapidiOnline bring speed to the process of data integration without ever needing the technical knowledge to code or develop solutions in-house. 

Become one of the businesses that benefit from cloud-based data integration, and see integration solutions from Rapidi

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