The Technological Features to Look for When Shopping for a Hearing Aid

Daniel Hall 26/07/2022

Hearing aids are a life-changing addition for anyone that’s hard of hearing.

Hearing aids work by amplifying sound vibrations. These amplified sounds enter the ear and stimulate the auditory nerve, which then sends signals to the brain. The brain recognizes these as sounds and makes sense of them. There are different types of hearing aids available, and each type has its own set of features. Some fit completely in the ear canal and are hardly visible, while others sit behind the ear and are attached to an ear mold that fits in the canal. 

For anyone new to buying a hearing aid, it can be quite an overwhelming process. Hearing aids are usually a life commitment, so it’s important to only choose a hearing aid in which you feel like you can live your truest most content life. During this article, we will discuss the main technological features to look for when shopping for a hearing aid. 

Bluetooth Capability

Many newer hearing aids are now equipped with Bluetooth technology, which allows them to wirelessly connect to other devices such as phones, TVs, and computers. This can be a great way to improve the sound quality of your hearing aid and make it more convenient to use. 

If hearing aids and Bluetooth sounds a bit much for you to get your head around in one breath - we don’t blame you. The prospect of getting a hearing aid alone is daunting, let alone having to learn about all the new features and functionalities that come with them. Luckily, the hearing aid professionals over at Hear are here to make the process a lot easier. Here, you can learn about how hearing aids and Bluetooth work together to let you live your most happy and active life. Your hearing aid isn’t here to hold you back. Learn how you can feel empowered with yours from the hearing aid experts.

Rechargeable Batteries  

Another great feature to look for in a hearing aid is the ability to recharge the batteries. This can save you money in the long run and be more convenient than having to constantly replace batteries.

Directional Microphones

This feature can be very helpful in noisy environments as it allows the hearing aid to focus on sound coming from one direction while filtering out background noise.

Noise Reduction

Another great feature to look for is noise reduction. This can help to make your hearing aid more comfortable to use in noisy environments.

Feedback Cancellation

This feature helps to reduce or eliminate the annoying feedback that can sometimes occur with hearing aids. Feedback during a hearing aid occurs when amplified sound escapes from the earpiece and re-enters the microphone, causing a loop that can be quite loud and annoying.

Automatic Volume Control 

This feature can be very helpful in automatically adjusting the volume of your hearing aid based on the level of background noise.


This feature allows the hearing aid to be used with compatible telephone systems, which can be a great way to improve the sound quality of phone calls.


This is a great feature to look for if you want to be able to use your hearing aid in any environment, even if it’s wet. This feature is especially important for younger children and adults that live a more active lifestyle. Water or any sort of moisture is bad for a non-water-resistant hearing aid as over time this can cause the electronics to corrode and stop working. Younger children are more likely to forget about their hearing aids and engage in activities that can damage earring aids without the water-resistant feature. For example, having a shower or going swimming without taking their hearing aid out. A water-resistant hearing aid is paramount for those of you that engage in a lot of watersports, or if the hearing aid is for a younger child. 

Be Sure To Choose Right

Overall, all of these features are great additions to your hearing aid and can help to improve your overall experience with the device. However, for those of you with more severe hearing loss, it’s important to consult with a professional in the hearing care industry to figure out what sort of hearing aid is best for you. In order to find the best hearing aid for those with severe hearing loss, some of the technological features listed within this article may need to be compromised. However, as stated earlier, the hearing aid market is vast - and is only getting bigger. There are plenty of choices of hearing aids for all kinds of hearing needs. Whatever hearing aid you choose, just make sure that first and foremost it fits all your individual specific needs, but also that you feel empowered and happy with your choice. Your hearing aid is your superpower, be confident with it!

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