5 Time-Tested Pointers to Build a Successful Online Enterprise

Daniel Hall 21/09/2021

Let’s face it: Running a successful online enterprise isn’t easy.

You need to achieve product-market fit, a reliable and high-performing team, the right products, and a marketing strategy that yields meaningful results.

You can’t wing it if you want to build a successful online enterprise.

If your online enterprise’s performance is looking less than stellar and you want reliable strategies to improve its performance, continue reading this guide.

1. Hire Seasoned Marketers

Get veteran digital marketers to ease your promotional campaign planning and implementation.

Why? Because these experts have proven track records and insight-rich experiences to bring to the table. With their knowledge, you can effectively strategize to turbocharge your marketing performance and outrank competitors.

Seasoned marketers also know and leverage the best technologies to assist them in their marketing efforts. They maximize the tools’ automation, artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, and other capabilities to work efficiently and yield favorable results.

For instance, to streamline the entire content marketing process, marketing specialists use first-rate content management software

This tool allows them to stay on top of the production, distribution, publication, and other involved workflows. They can quickly check your materials' quality, collaborate with the team, integrate SEO, and perform various tasks.

What’s more, hiring seasoned marketers lets you access years’ worth of industry intelligence to drive exponential business growth much faster.

2. Leverage the Best Website Builders

Successful online stores can't function optimally without robust platforms backing up their operations.

That’s why you should build your site’s foundations on the best platforms designed for your business type.

Let’s say you're an ecommerce store that wants to create omnichannel shopping experiences. In that case, use top-notch headless ecommerce site builders.

Headless ecommerce platforms come with specific industry-essential capabilities. These include payment processing systems, marketing pipelines, integrations, and other sales-related functions.

Besides that, they give you plenty of flexibility to implement buy-online-pick-up-in-store (BOPIS) schemes, inventory checks, take-out services, and more.

This is possible because headless platforms separate backend processes (e.g., customer database, order management systems) from the frontend. 

When that happens, you don’t need to execute time-consuming updates for every frontend adjustment request.

The result? Customers get seamless, more memorable shopping experiences, encouraging them to keep returning to your website.

You can also choose robust, user-intuitive site builders. They usually come with easily customizable code-free designs, scalability support, and secure and compliant hosting, among others. This lets you manage your website effortlessly.

3. Invest in Cybersecurity

You cannot understate the importance of cybersecurity for small businesses and established enterprises -- especially today.

With the COVID-19 pandemic limiting physical contact, businesses and customers now turn their transactions to mostly online. 

This gives hackers a profitable playground to scout for vulnerable companies and shoppers and steal serious money.

That’s why you should prioritize executing ironclad cybersecurity measures and investing in powerful tools to aid your efforts.

Start with these practices:

  • Work only with SSL-certified website builders
  • Install and regularly update your firewalls, anti-virus and anti-malware software
  • Create unique login credentials and store them with password managers
  • Encrypt your communications and transactions
  • Beware of phishing tactics
  • Frequently backup your code, data, and other info assets.

Additionally, take time to study the MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK) framework. It gathers updated industry intelligence and outlines common cybercriminal methods in infiltrating your networks.

This knowledge helps you look out for and fix potential weaknesses in your online systems before hackers exploit them.

4. Take Advantage of Cloud-Based Tools

To run a successful online enterprise, you should be hyper-efficient with your operations. You must also keep secure data storage and be able to scale gradually anytime.

You can achieve all that when you use cloud-based methods for your forms, records, content, operations, etc.

Doing so helps you lessen your administrative costs and effort. For instance, you can save changes automatically, update data in real-time, improve team collaboration, and more.

Let me illustrate an example from modern rental companies. 

Their technicians use electronic equipment inspection forms to tick off digital checklists and take photos when examining physical assets.

They can then submit the forms online, and rental managers can instantly receive notifications and approve the reports with one tap.

Customers can even sign documents electronically once the equipment they’re renting can be released for use.

This streamlines the process and enhances operational efficiency and customer experience.

You can apply cloud-based tools and methods in other aspects of your enterprise, such as:

  • HubSpot for customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Slack for internal team communications
  • Dropbox for file storage and sharing
  • QuickBooks for finance and accounting
  • BambooHR for human resources
  • NetSuite for enterprise resource planning (ERP), etc.

5. Display Breathtaking Visuals

Visuals are powerful marketing instruments. 

They can emphasize your products’ high quality, shape customers’ perspectives about their needs, and stimulate them to want your merchandise.

Display eye-popping product photos and videos on your website and social media. Film them in HD resolution under the best lighting -- even with spectacular effects.

For instance, you can speed up your video to intensify the strong emotions associated with the item. Doing that also gives an illusion of speed, which excites viewers. 

Alternatively, you can slow down your video and highlight an item’s features from all angles. The same principle applies to your product photos.

Take this example by boohoo, which displays stunning photos of its khaki satin jacket from different angles. boohoo even lets you zoom in to check the item’s details:

By publishing breathtaking visuals, you can effectively compel your customers to purchase your product or sign up for your services and free demos.

Time to Build a Successful Online Enterprise

Building a successful online business takes time, but these and other tips help you get the ball rolling and sustain your performance.

Additionally, keep your customer in mind, be consistent in delivering the brand you promised, and keep innovating. 


In time, if you don't give up, you can succeed and make a name in your industry that shoppers -- and competitors -- will keep a watch out for.

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