How to Build High-Quality Backlinks for Your Website

Shane Barker 17/02/2021 5

With worldwide businesses and consumers moving online, SEO will be more important than it is today, according to 75% of digital marketers.

While the quality of content remains to be Google’s top priority for ranking sites in search results, 26.6% of marketers claimed backlinks to be equally important.

High-quality backlinks pointing to a website can add to its authority and credibility. They tell Google that the site publishes valuable content that many other publishers trust and find valuable.

As a third-party indicator of your domain's authoritative strength, links, especially from Getmentioned agency, provide legitimacy to your site. The Google search engine strives to provide users with relevant results. To do this, it factors in "authority." 

But how can you build high-quality backlinks for your website?

When you think of link building, the first thing that comes to mind is probably guest posting. While it is a great technique of digital marketing, there are many other ways to create high-quality backlinks for your website, which I’ll share in this article.

Before that, let me tell you how you can actually judge the quality of a backlink.

Which Factors Should You Consider to Evaluate Backlink Quality?

The quality of your backlinks depends on a number of factors, which include:

Authority and Popularity of the Backlink Source

You should consider the domain authority (DA) of the source. The higher the DA of the target site, the greater the value of the link. You can use tools such as Moz to check the DA of any site.

Other than DA, you should also look at the traffic the website generates using Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, or other web traffic analysis tools. The higher the website traffic, the greater will be your chances of driving visitors to your site.

Similarly, if you’re trying to build links from a forum site, you should analyze its authority as well. Check the forum to see if it is filled with spam. If so, links from those forums are a big no-no. They may actually harm your SEO value and brand reputation.

Relevance to Your Niche

You should also consider whether or not the backlink source is relevant to your industry and business. If the link sources aren’t relevant, they won’t bring any significant value to your site’s SEO performance.

Link Placement and Anchor Text

Another important factor that impacts the quality of a backlink is how naturally it has been placed.

Whether you’re guest posting or writing replies to forum questions, you should write content that provides value to the target audience. You should place the link to a relevant article or resource that adds more value to your reply or guest post.

You should also choose your anchor text carefully as Google uses it as a ranking signal. You should not use the exact keyword as your anchor text. However, using synonyms and relevant key phrases as anchor text is a good practice.

When you add relevant backlinks to your site, readers will be more likely to visit them to get more information about the topic.

Now that you’re aware of what makes a backlink high quality, it’s time to scale up your link building practices.

How Can You Acquire High-Quality Backlinks for Your Site?

Let’s take a look at some of the most effective link building strategies you can use in 2021 to build high-quality backlinks for your website.

1. Write Competitive and Resourceful Content

The key to generating high-quality backlinks is great content. You can only expect people to link back to your site if you publish content that is relevant to your niche, provides great value, and helps solve real problems.

Crafting great content can help you get people to link back to your resource on their own. It can help minimize the time you spend on link building.

But how can you create content that people will love to read and share?

You should:

  • Conduct keyword research in your niche to identify topics that your audience wants to learn more about. You should choose keywords with high search volumes and low competition. 
  • To conduct keyword research, you can leverage platforms like Semrush, BuzzSumo, and Ubersuggest. It’s also possible to do it through the keyword research API. This can help you get new keywords, related keywords, and even keyword ideas with ease. 
  • Go through the top-ranking posts on a particular topic to analyze what others have included in their post. You should look at the average length of those posts, the number of images they include, and the key phrases they include along with their frequency of appearance.
  • Write articles that have more information, insights, and actionable tips than the top-ranking posts on the topic. You should also add relevant statistics and examples to make your content stand out.
  • Make sure that you optimize the title tags and meta descriptions for the focus keyword.

Basically, you should aim to analyze the competition and then do everything better.

For example:

If you want to create a resource on, “employee training program,” you should analyze the top search results for this keyword. Then, you should try to outperform your competitors and write an article that is more insightful, engaging, and valuable for readers.

You can also use tools like Surfer to analyze the key phrases, word count, and headings that can help you outperform your competitors. This way, you will be able to create content that readers will love to share on social media and other publishers will love to link back to.

2. Create an Infographic and Republish It

Certain types of content work better when it comes to link building such as images, charts, graphs, and infographics.

Yes, you read that right.

People love visual content such as infographics because they make it easier to consume large chunks of data. Readers can quickly scan through the information and find out what’s important to them.

Publishers also love to share infographics to grab their readers’ attention. When a publisher republishes your infographic, they have to link to your website. This way, infographics can help you earn many high-quality backlinks with little effort.

However, you need to create engaging infographics that:

  • Are well-researched and designed beautifully
  • Include useful statistics
  • Give actionable tips to readers
  • Are relevant to your target audience
  • Cover topics that your audience is looking for

You can either hire a designer or use the do-it-yourself design tools to make an infographic. Tools such as Canva and Crello offer numerous templates, icons, and graphics to help you create engaging infographics. 

Once you publish a resourceful infographic on your website, you can also reach out to high-authority publishers in your niche. Invite them to check it out and share it if they find it valuable. This can help increase your chances of building quality links from authoritative websites.

Infographics also receive a higher number of social shares, which can help amplify your reach. You can expect to get a natural boost in your number of backlinks if your infographic goes viral.

3. Collaborate with Bloggers, Influencers, and Industry Experts

Another great way to build high-quality backlinks for your website is to collaborate with other blog spaces in your niche.

You can reach out to top publishers and influencers in your niche along with industry experts for mutually-beneficial link partnerships. You may link to some of their resources in your articles and ask them to do the same for you.

This way, both of you will be able to build quality links for your websites without creating more content for guest posting.

The best way to reach out to your potential link partners is to send emails. You should run personalized email campaigns using professional email marketing templates to engage other publishers and marketers with your link exchange program.

4. Comment on Relevant Blog Posts

The secret to successful link building is to focus on building strong relationships first.

You can start building relationships with other publishers by commenting on their blog posts. However, make sure that you only comment on posts that are relevant to your niche and area of expertise.

You should not leave comments that are vague such as “nice article” or “good job.” Instead, you should make your comments more authentic and relatable.

You can share another actionable tip that the writer forgot to talk about in the post or recommend a tool that can help readers. If not, you can also simply praise the article and show your support to the strategy or tip that you really found useful.

Authentic commenting can help you build strong relationships with fellow editors and publishers, which can help you build quality backlinks in the future.

Some websites also allow you to link back to your site from the author’s name displayed on your comments. You can utilize that to get some instant backlinks.

Are You Ready to Improve Your Link Profile?

Want to improve your link profile to rank higher in the SERPs and generate more traffic and leads?

Use the link building strategies mentioned in this post to start acquiring high-quality backlinks for your website. Write great content, share infographics, build strong relationships with industry experts, and comment on other blog posts and forum questions that are relevant to your niche. Additionally, use these free link building tools to level up your link-building game.

Are you ready to get started with link building? Or, do you have other questions about building high-quality links? Leave them in the comments below.

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  • Dave Allcock

    Guest posting in an effective way to rank a website

  • Michelle L

    SEO is more important than ever in 2021. Thanks for the strategies.

  • Doug Wallace

    Excellent article

  • Michael Lewis

    Well explained

  • Idrees Elahi

    Google News recommended me this article and this was one of the right thing google recommended me. Thanks for this kind of information.