Work Smarter Not Harder: Three Tips to Improve Your Time Management

Time management is an art form more than a science.


It is the process of planning and organizing how to divide your time between specific activities.

Each activity must be applied in a way that best suits you.

Failing to manage your time causes stress and damages your effectiveness. 


Managing your time can help you work smarter so you get more things done. 

Here are key benefits of time management

  • Less stress and more positivity
    Better professional reputation.
  • More career opportunities
  • Greater efficiency and productivity
  • More time to achieve important life and career goals.


Over the past few weeks, I have shared the core of my productivity and time management system.

Here are three tips to improve your time management.

1. Set Big Goals For Yourself

Create a plan to achieve your goals by breaking them down into smaller milestones.

2. Write What You Need To Do Down

Write a list of things you need to do to achieve your objectives.

3. Know and Be Kind to Yourself

Take breaks, and rest when you need it.

Find when you are most productive and build your schedule around your own best tendencies.


Learning time-management techniques will guide you throughout your life and career.

I never work on more than two of my significant workstreams in a day (LinkedIn full-time role, MySwimPro part-time role, Harvard master’s thesis).

By knowing that I can focus better by minimizing context switching and because I write all my tasks down, I can schedule out my work in a way I’ll complete it most efficiently, which sets me up for success to reach my goals

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  • Susan Wright

    I clearly have terrible time management since I spend so much time on social media.

  • Ahmed Hussain

    Time is like a sword. If you don't cut it,it cuts you.

  • Kevin Roberts

    I’ve been really struggling with being productive and motivated and these tips actually helped me get started.

  • Peter Yarwood

    Thank you for the tips

  • Mark Cervantes

    You need dedication

  • David Knight

    Literally exactly what I needed to improve my time management skills