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6 years

Why Building Business-Model Scenarios Is The Key To Dynamic Planning

A main goal of many of FP&A professionals I interact with concerns becoming a trusted business partner. Whether that’s with the company as a whole, the C-suite, or a particular business unit, most FP&A professionals want to advance along the maturity curve to become valued and sought-after business partners (and even better, business advisers), rather than some kind of bean counter. The days of sitting in an office and collecting, verifying, and scrubbing reams of data with little or no interaction with the people we support are over.

6 years

Why Predictive Analytics Has Become Essential For Optimized FP&A

The role of the FP&A professional continues to progress and evolve along a continuum. In the past, we spent most of our time and effort explaining what had happened and tried to divine the future based on our observations. At the time, the biggest challenges were a lack of data and tools powerful enough to permit extrapolating limited available data to project into the future.

6 years

How Finance Is Thriving In A Digital World

Change is the new normal. The rate of change due to digitalization and technology continues at a breakneck pace. Technologies that were nascent last year are becoming mainstream.

6 years

Should Financial Professional Analysts Look Top-Down or Bottom Up?

While “top-down” or “bottom-up” sound like some lively toasts you might hear in an English pub, they are also two of the most common ways to prepare a financial forecast. In that area, there is great debate as to which method is “better.” As with most questions in life, the initial answer is usually, “it depends,” so let’s look at the pros and cons of each approach. At the end of the day, there is no single answer. As a global FP&A professional, you will have to determine the best approach for your organization.

6 years

Interactive Data Visualization: The Key To Better, Faster, Smarter Decision Making

As access to high-quality data becomes more common, more team members across the business organization are facing the challenge and opportunity to make more data-driven decisions. From traditional spreadsheet and data visualization or data viz (DV) tools to dashboard aggregators, many tools exist to help Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) professionals find meaning in their data.

6 years

Why Blockchain Is Crucial For Financial Planning and Analysis - Part 2

In my last article, I described blockchain in some detail. Now I want to dive a little deeper and expand on the potential value that blockchain could hold for the FP&A profession.

6 years

Why Blockchain Is Crucial For Financial Planning and Analysis

In these times of almost continuous technological change, there is a natural tendency to be suspect of whatever is being heralded as the “flavor of the month” or the “next best bet.” In early 2017, I was graciously given the opportunity to speak on what I believed to be the technologies that were transforming finance and specifically, the Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) function. The talk I ended up giving covered five areas: