More in Global Economy

11 months

The Gig Economy: Navigating the Pros and Cons in a Global Context

The gig economy, characterized by temporary or freelance work arrangements, has gained momentum in recent years, reshaping labor markets across the globe.

11 months

Life Among the Econ: Fifty Years Later

Fifty years ago, Axel Leijonhufvud wrote “Life among the Econ,” an essay of satirical truth-telling in a style that is so often attempted and so seldom successful (Western Economic Journal, September 1973, 11:3, 327-337, available many places online with a quick search).

11 months

Qualms about Industrial Policy

“Industrial policy” can be distinguished from a “business-friendly policy” by the amount of targeting involved.

12 months

The US Uninsured and the Take-Up Problem

There are two possible reasons for not having health insurance in the United States.

12 months

Rising Interest Payments on the National Debt

What happens when you borrow a lot of money, and then interest rates go up?

12 months

The IRS Audit Algorithm and Racial Effects

The Internal Revenue Service gets something north of 100 million individual tax returns each year.

12 months

Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1937-2023

Robert E. Lucas Jr. (Nobel 1995) has died.