More in Global Economy

9 months

Tony Ulwick's 'Jobs to Be Done' Theory: Redefining Market Success

Tony Ulwick is the pioneer of the Jobs-to-be-Done Theory.

9 months

Value of a Statistical Life (VSL): Is it Time for an Update?

Determining the value of a human life is a complex yet essential aspect of many government programs and regulations.

9 months

Construction Jobs: A Partial Substitute for Manufacturing Jobs?

For many manufactured goods, the output can be produced in many different places–including other countries–and then shipped to where it is needed.

9 months

2023’s Most Popular Bitcoin Alternatives

Ethereum takes the crown as 2023’s most popular Bitcoin alternative, based on searches worldwide.

9 months

Globalizing to Protect National Security, the Poor, and the Environment

The winds of public opinion and politics have been blowing toward de-globalization for a few years now, not just under the Biden and Trump administrations in the US, but in countries around the world.

9 months

Negative Reflections on the Positive Case for the New Proposed Merger Guidelines

The government antitrust enforcers have two institutional homes: the Antitrust Division of the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission.

10 months

Geopolitical Unrest is Driving Oil Prices Up

The global energy market is experiencing a tumultuous week as geopolitical tensions and supply concerns send oil prices higher.

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