More in Politics

2 years

The Oil Market Is Tighter Than You Think

Investors are gloomy due to high volatility in crude oil markets and the cloudy economic outlook.

2 years

A Fertility Patterns Flip-Flop

For some decades now, the world has been following the patterns of a demographic transition with life expectancies rising and birth rates falling, as we head for a world where the elderly are a much larger share of the global population.

2 years

Turn Off the Lights? Europe Hurts Itself Again Trying To Harm Russia

The European Union has announced strict “energy efficiency” consumption reduction measures to cut 15% of gas demand as Russia threatens to shut down gas supplies.

2 years

Immigrants Assimilating, Then and Now

Noah Smith interviews Leah Boustan about her research on various aspects of immigration at his Noahpinion website.

2 years

When Civilizations Collide: Economists and Politicians

Alan Blinder offers some meditations on the interaction between economists and politicians in “Beyond the `Lamppost Theory’ of Economic Policy” (Chicago Booth Review, August 1, 2022).

2 years

The No-Burn Forest Policy: Origins and Consequences

The western United States has experienced some extraordinarily large forest fires in recent years.

2 years

Emmanuel Macron Secretly Helped Uber

Emmanuel Macron secretly helped Uber while he was France's Minister of the Economy.