More in Science

4 years

Epic Pandemic Mismanagement: How, and… Why?

The United States of America could teach a master class on how NOT to manage a viral pandemic. 

4 years

Saturated Fat, Diets, and Diatribe: Nutrition Science Meets “Whac-a-Mole”

I hope, my fellow Americans, that in spite of it all, you have a good holiday weekend. 

4 years

These 5 ‘Major Shifts’ Will Shape the New Health(care) Landscape

Numerous perspectives on the future of Dutch healthcare have already been published, focusing on topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Health(care), digital transformation, data interoperability and ’the right care in the right place’.

4 years

Of COVID, Testing, Case Counts, and Waves

My colleagues, Maria Chikina and Wes Pegden, were entirely correct in their predictions of what happens when you flatten the epidemic curve without clear plans for a “phase 2” to follow. 

4 years

Please Doc, Can You Help Me Get Home?

The folds under his fiftyish-year-old eyes welled with tears, “Please, doc, help me get home . . . I miss my family and friends so much.”

4 years

COVID-19 Has Put the Childhood Back in Children

Have you heard it? Have you heard the whispers or caught sight of the tilted, six-foot knowing glances of parents no longer chained to travel sports?

4 years

A Quick Guide to Welding Types & Applications

What do a boat, trailer, car and skyscraper have in common? When made with steel, they're held together by welds.