More in Science

4 years

10 Questions for Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurs

So, you are a technologist, data scientist or health professional who wants to be the founder of an AI company i.e an AIntrepreneur?

4 years

COVID-19 and the Contagion of Caricature

The media, including even those elements that care about legitimate journalism, have always had some predilection for drama. 

4 years

How Does an MRI Work?

Modern medicine involves some true technological wonders — some that we may take for granted.

4 years

To Mask, or Not to Mask? Of COVID and Cacophony

Amazingly- in a nation that has not thus far failed to fail at every aspect of pandemic management- we have managed to mire ourselves in conflict over the simple expediency of mask use.

4 years

Virtual Coffee with Jarno Duursma: Impact of COVID-19 on the Digitization of Healthcare

I had a great virtual coffee with Jarno Duursma : futurist, author and speaker, who wanted to interview me for his podcast.

4 years

Epic Pandemic Mismanagement: How, and… Why?

The United States of America could teach a master class on how NOT to manage a viral pandemic. 

4 years

Saturated Fat, Diets, and Diatribe: Nutrition Science Meets “Whac-a-Mole”

I hope, my fellow Americans, that in spite of it all, you have a good holiday weekend.