10 Questions for Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurs

10 Questions for Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurs

10 Questions for Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurs

So, you are a technologist, data scientist or health professional who wants to be the founder of an AI company i.e an AIntrepreneur?

Or, maybe you are a cross trained academic clinician intrapreneur interested in leading the newly created AI department in your medical school.

An AIntrepreneur is someone who pursues opportunities in healthcare AI under VUCA conditions with the goal of creating user or stakeholder defined value through the deployment of innovation using a VAST business model.

If so, you will need to overcome some hurdles at four different levels of the healthcare AI value chain-personal, company, consumer or end-user and the sick care ecosystem of systems. The first step is to find the answers to some basic questions:


  1. Do you understand the definition and goals of physician entrepreneurship?
  2. Do you have the requisite entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies to be successful? Do you know why your startup will fail? Do you know why non-sickcare entrepreneurs fail?
  3. Do you understand the people part of AI?


4. Do you have a clearly defined customer?

5. Do you understand their problem and the pain it is causing?

6. Are your underlying business model canvas hypotheses valid?


7. Do you know how to overcome the barriers to AI dissemination and implementation?

8. Do you know how to create a cultural transformation in the end user community?


9. Do you know how to overcome the systemic challenges of AI dissemination?

10. Are you offering an AI product or service that will transform sickcare to healthcare and add at least 10x value compared to existing offerings?

Digital health entrepreneurship and AIntrepreneurship, specifically, requires a multilevel approach to solve problems that are unique to the sickcare system of systems. Start by answering the above questions to judge whether you are prepared to take the journey.

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs and an advisor at www.MI10.ai

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  • Craig Abdie

    Interesting questions Dr Meyers....

  • Darren McIndoe

    Good post

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Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA

Former Contributor

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is a professor emeritus of otolaryngology, dentistry, and engineering at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health and President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs at www.sopenet.org. He has created several medical device and digital health companies. His primary research centers around biomedical and health innovation and entrepreneurship and life science technology commercialization. He consults for and speaks to companies, governments, colleges and universities around the world who need his expertise and contacts in the areas of bio entrepreneurship, bioscience, healthcare, healthcare IT, medical tourism -- nationally and internationally, new product development, product design, and financing new ventures. He is a former Harvard-Macy fellow and In 2010, he completed a Fulbright at Kings Business, the commercialization office of technology transfer at Kings College in London. He recently published "Building the Case for Biotechnology." "Optical Detection of Cancer", and " The Life Science Innovation Roadmap". He is also an associate editor of the Journal of Commercial Biotechnology and Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship and Editor-in-Chief of Medscape. In addition, He is a faculty member at the University of Colorado Denver Graduate School where he teaches Biomedical Entrepreneurship and is an iCorps participant, trainer and industry mentor. He is the Chief Medical Officer at www.bridgehealth.com and www.cliexa.com and Chairman of the Board at GlobalMindED at www.globalminded.org, a non-profit at risk student success network. He is honored to be named by Modern Healthcare as one of the 50 Most Influential Physician Executives of 2011 and nominated in 2012 and Best Doctors 2013.

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