More in Science

12 months

The Risks of Generative AI in the Stock Market: Exploring the Dark Side

Generative AI in the stock market is risky due to data bias, black box models, lack of control, market manipulation, and ethical concerns.

12 months

GPT SuperRadiance: Driving New Levels Of Creativity And Innovation

GPT Superradiance is a concept that describes the explosive and cumulative progression of creative energy in the realm of artificial intelligence.

12 months

Cultivating a Love of Science in Your Child

Instilling a love for science in your child can be an enriching and rewarding experience.

12 months

Understanding the Opportunities & Concerns of AI Hallucinations

The term "AI hallucination" in this context refers to the ability of AI models to generate content that is not based on any real-world data, but rather is a product of the model's own imagination.

12 months

Safety First: Understanding the Risks and Benefits of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has gained significant popularity in recent years, with more individuals opting for cosmetic procedures to enhance their physical appearance and boost their self-confidence.

1 year

Unleashing the Potential of Neural Networks with Deep Learning

The power of neural networks has become increasingly apparent in recent years, as the field of deep learning has made significant advances.

1 year

Longevity Research Is Ploughing Ahead, And Nothing Can Stop It

The idea that you might one day be able to take a pill and slow down the ageing process seems like science fiction.