A Dozen Interesting Postgraduate Degrees In Education You Should Explore

Daniel Hall 16/08/2021

According to Postgrad.com, “a postgraduate degree encompasses a range of qualifications that require an undergraduate degree to be considered for entry, these include courses at Postgraduate Diploma level all the way to a PhD.”

In simpler terms, a postgraduate degree is basically any schooling post receiving an undergraduate degree. 

For many after receiving their Bachelors Degree, regardless of the type of diploma they received, many choose to dismiss the idea of going back to school for a masters or PhD degree, but it can be really handy to receive this extra schooling, especially if you are looking at going into a specific field, like education.

There are so many postgraduate degrees in education to explore. For example, if you visit masterstudies.com, you can see there are over 1,200 postgrad degrees in education. So, with that being the case, you may be asking yourself, “which postgraduate degree in education is right for me?” That really is up to you, but to help, below is a list of 10 different postgrad degrees in education you may want to explore:

Masters of Arts in Teaching 

By receiving a Masters of Arts in Teaching, you grant yourself the ability to start your career as an educator. By going through this masters program, you pave a way to become a middle and/or secondary school teacher. This program also helps one focus more on the subject field (science, math, history, etc.) that they would like to go to.  

Masters of Arts in School Counseling 

If you are interested in helping students in a non-traditional teaching sense, getting a Masters of Arts in School Counseling can be the route for you. According to bestcolleges.com, school counselors, “. . .often administer high-stakes standardized tests and help students overcome personal and academic problems, among other essential tasks.” Now, being a school counselor may not be your cup of tea, but for some, it is a very beneficial career that gives them a sense of purpose (kind of like all other forms of teaching). 

Masters of Education in Literacy 

Providence College in Providence, Rhode Island, United States, says that their Masters of Education in Literacy program is, “. . .a commitment to the integration of literacy theory, curriculum, and practice with methods of research and inquiry. In addition, participants will develop the leadership skills necessary to organize and support school wide literacy programs.”

This is a solid definition of what a Masters of Education in Literacy can do for someone (regardless of the college that the degree comes from). If you find it interesting and intriguing teaching the curriculum of literacy in the English language, this may be the post graduate degree in education that suits you best.

Masters of Arts in TESOL 

Now, in a way a Masters of Arts in TESOL (teaching English as a second or foreign language) is very similar to the above Master’s in Education Literacy. They both teach the basics of literacy in the English language, but the biggest difference between the two is the fact that TESOL can be more on the elementary side of education.  

That is not to say a Master’s in Education Literacy does not fit at the elementary level, but teaching someone a brand new language is very basic at the surface (despite it being a very difficult task). 

Masters of Arts in Special Education

You may be asking, what is a Masters of Arts in Special Education? Well simply put, a Masters of Arts in Special Education is defined as a, “...postgraduate academic master's degree awarded by universities in many countries. This degree is designed to develop the capabilities and resources of educators of children who require Special education, such as students with an Autism spectrum disorder.” 

Still, this degree does not only work with students on the Autism spectrum. This postgrad degree can lead you down the path of helping students with other learning disabilities such as dyslexia and anxiety disorders. So, if you feel that teaching students with learning disabilities is the path for you, exploring a Masters of Arts in Special Education is a step you need to take. 

Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction 

First off, it is important to state that a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction is a very broad degree. All of the above degrees help teach the art of curriculum and instruction. Seriously, just think about it: what education degree would not teach proper instruction techniques? Not a good one that’s what.

But back to the original point, a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction can be necessary for someone looking to become a middle or secondary school teacher. Why? Well, it allows prospective postgraduate students the ability to hone in on a specific subject of study. Whether it be math like algebra or statistics, or english such as fiction writing or poetry, the broadness of this degree allows for a lot of potential opportunity.

Masters of Education: Early Childhood Development 

A very popular postgraduate degree in education, early childhood development allows one to explore various opportunities within nursery education. What is nursery education you ask? Well, nursery education entails the preschooling (like preschool) that comes before elementary, middle, and high school.  

To some, working with kids in the stages of early childhood may come across as babysitting, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. In all seriousness, early childhood development may be one of the most important areas of education considering that these children are very impressionable and observant beings. This is where their brains are molded and formed with communication skills, manners, and more. So, if you like working with kids, a Masters in Early Childhood Development could be the schooling just for you.  

Masters of Science in Physical Education 

Love sports? Love the gym? Love helping and teaching people about sports and the gym? Get a Masters of Science in Physical Education!

P.E? Yes, P.E.

It may seem like a dumb idea to pay for a master’s degree to become a gym teacher, but a Master of Science in Phyiscal Education is much more than that. Yes, one may start out as a gym teacher, but by receiving this postgraduate degree people open themselves to various opportunities like becoming an athletic director, football coach, and basketball coach among other positions.  

Masters of Science in Virtual Education 

With the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing, this degree (Master’s of Science in Virtual Education” may become more popular than ever. Whether it was through Zoom or Skype, a lot of teachers were relegated to online teaching to avoid the spread of disease. This created a lot of problems for many.

This change to virtual learning made it much harder to follow school curriculum, check on students homework, and whether or not they were cheating on exams. There are more issues to go through, but with a Masters in Virtual Education, those issues become minimal. 

Masters in Educational Technology 

Similarly to the above, a Masters in Educational Technology is a growing degree. That is not due to the current pandemic, instead it is a result of the ever changing landscape of society. 

Continued technological developments have meant more and more jobs requiring employees to understand even the most basic understanding of how different technology works. From being able to connect to the local WiFi connection to holding virtual meetings to electronic transfer of funds, having qualified individuals who understand existing and ever changing technological advancements is and will continue to be in demand.  

Masters in Psychology

The definition for psychology can be either a long drawn out description or something as simple as the science of studying the human mind and behavior. 

Always a degree worth pursuing for some, in what has become a society with so much stress and constant turmoil, there is an entire generation of society who are constantly battling different levels of stress and anxiety never seen before.

Many of an older generation will explain the world today is not that overwhelming but for a portion of the world’s population, the Covid-19 pandemic, will leave them struggling to understand what is next and how can we as a people control it.  

Masters in International Business

As the world has become and continues to become a more global economy it is critically important to have people in place that understand how things work. 

For years many have taken for granted what has been available to them and the ease at which they can access the items they need but with so many businesses being dependent on materials produced in other parts of the globe, the Covid-19 situation has shown how important it is to be able to navigate the difficulties if the necessary products are not available. 

Having enough individuals with the proper education to help navigate the complexity of the global economy is and will be a requirement and a position in demand.

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