Why You Need to Start Content Marketing Now?

Novnish Ramesh 01/04/2021 3

Content marketing enhances trust and brand image.

Providing compelling content on a regular basis that's engaging, on-brand and subtly persuasive isn't an easy task.

You have to test a variety of methods to find the perfect formula to reach a wider audience. 

Skills Required to Thrive in Content Marketing 

Content marketing keeps on evolving. 

Video is now the most used format in content marketing, overtaking blogs and infographics. 

Here are some of the skills you'll need to start content marketing:

  • Planning, content creation & proofreading
  • Finding a unique yet professional voice
  • Understanding the latest marketing techniques
  • Producing videos, infographics and blogs
  • Primary and secondary research
  • In-depth knowledge of SEO and keywords
  • Industry insight and trusted sources
  • Knowing your audience and competitors

Important Statistics About Content Marketing 

84% of companies have a content marketing strategy. 

51% of businesses would evaluate their content marketing strategy as “good” in 2020. 

46% of companies would describe the maturity of their content marketing strategy as “promising”. 

Nearly 40% of businesses say content marketing is a very important part of their overall marketing strategy. 

79% of organisations acknowledge that “generating more quality leads” is a priority goal they plan to achieve through content marketing.

75% of companies claim that SEO is the most efficient content marketing tactic implemented.

61% of businesses argue that updating and repurposing content is an effective tactic implemented.

Blog content creation is a top priority for 53% of marketers.

70% of organisations are actively investing in content marketing. 

24% of companies plan on increasing their investment in content marketing. 

61% of businesses measure content marketing ROI. 

Principles to Follow for a Successful Content Marketing Campaign

1. Be honest and transparent. Diversify your tactics. 

2. Educate your audience by bringing new information. This will help you to outsmart your competitors. 

3. Focus on editorial quality. This will generate trust in the long run. 

4. Be clear about what you are trying to achieve. 

5. Collaborate with other brands to build your credibility. 


Content marketing has changed since its inception and it seems likely to change even faster in the next coming years thanks to the increased attention it’s being given by today’s digital marketers

By knowing your strengths and weaknesses, understanding costs and trends, and leveraging technology, you can set yourself up for success.

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  • Josh Kaye

    Content marketing means more money for content creators.

  • Alan Parker

    Excellent article

  • Rob Donaldson

    You are an absolute inspiration to me as a content writer.