More in Technology

4 years

The Growing Role of AR and VR in Dentistry

AR and VR in dentistry are helping dentists to provide convenient and low pain dental treatment to their patients.

4 years

Your Last Mile Commute Just Got Easier, Thanks To IoT

The last-mile commute challenge is faced by delivery services and the everyday commuter alike. Enhancing last-mile commute with IoT can simplify these challenges with the help of connected devices.

4 years

Are AR and VR the New Sherlock and Watson?

The use of AR for crime scene investigation to catch criminals instead of catching Pokemon, like a few years ago, shows the potential of the technology outside the sphere of entertainment.

4 years

Tips to Protect Your Data

Whether you are a small business, massive corporation, or personal home user, protecting your data is critical in ensuring that you are safe and secure from online theft or malware that could easily sneak in through unsecure networks.

4 years

Molecular Manufacturing Made Easy with AI

AI-powered robots can help simplify time-consuming design and manufacturing tasks and help automate molecule manufacture to search for novel drugs and materials.

4 years

Dethroning The Dollar Requires Much More than Digitalization

Whilst it would be tempting to presume that a digital, frictionless state-issued cryptocurrency has the potential to unseat the dollar, a global currency requires much more than ease of use.

4 years

The Importance of Cybersecurity For Small Businesses

As the number of cyberattacks worldwide grows exponentially each year, cybersecurity has never been more important.