More in Technology

4 years

How Virtual Reality and Artificial Skin Can Aid in Rehabilitation

Conventional methods of rehabilitation and VR are used in tandem since the emergence of VR in the healthcare industry.

4 years

Nine Ways To Use A Knowledge Graph

If you are a data science type of person, knowledge graphs are really cool.

4 years

Understanding the 5 Types of Chatbots

Chatbots provide many benefits to businesses such as ease of use, quick responses and increased customer engagement.

4 years

The Need for Mobility as a Service in Smart Cities

New modes of personal mobility are emerging in smart cities with the implementation of autonomous vehicles.

4 years

How Computer Vision Can Help in Building Augmented Reality Environments

The use of computer vision will help augmented reality (AR) devices to build a more accurate augmented environment by helping it to determine where to place virtual images in accordance with real space.

4 years

Top 5 Web Technologies: Explained in Layman Language

It’s a safe assumption that the greatest tech ideas don’t necessarily come to the “techies”.

4 years

What's the Difference Between Computer Science and Software Engineering?

Computer science, software engineering, same thing, right?