More in Technology

4 years

Code Reviews: A Vast Subject

Code review is a significant part of the software development lifecycle and is a crucial piece to get proficient at quickly to advance as a software engineer.

4 years

How IoT Can Revolutionize Real Estate

From enabling home-buyers to make informed decisions to profiting real estate agents with financial gains, IoT is set to revolutionize the real estate industry.

4 years

5 Benefits of Drones in the Insurance Industry

From assessing post-disaster damages to increasing worker safety to fostering financial savings, leveraging drones in the insurance industry will yield tremendous benefits to both insurers and the insurance companies alike.

4 years

There’s No Such Thing as Risk-Free & It’s Not Just for Cryptocurrencies

It may be time to rethink what we consider the “risk-free” rate of return when it comes to investments, and that may change how we view decentralized finance as well.

4 years

Enhancing Customer Experience Using Augmented Reality

Organizations can offer unique services and enhance customer experience by utilizing augmented reality.

4 years

5G Is Far Bigger Than Faster Smartphones

The world has never experienced as much uncertainty as it has today.

4 years

Apple T2 Chip Vulnerability Challenges the Industry

Recent verified reports highlight exploitable vulnerabilities in Apple’s security chip that cannot be patched.