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5 years
5 years

Why Governments Need to Regulate AI

Artificial Intelligence research, although far from reaching its pinnacle, is already giving us glimpses of what a future dominated by AI can look like. While the rapid progress of the technology should be seen with a positive lens, it is important to exercise some caution and introduce worldwide regulations for the development and use of AI technology.

5 years

Everything You Need to Know About Customer Analytics

Customer analytics is all about collecting and analyzing customer data to glean insights about their satisfaction level, demands, and requirements.

5 years

Steganography: The Latest Weapon in a Hacker's Arsenal

Data hiding using steganography was, once upon a time, one of the safest methods for protecting sensitive business data, but now it has become a hacker's newest form of cybersecurity threat.

5 years

Reinventing ERP Systems using Blockchain

The combination of blockchain and ERP will foster secure collaboration between stakeholders, reduce security risks, and provide greater visibility and control, allowing organizations to meet efficiency and accuracy goals.

5 years

How Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Robotics Can Work Together

Augmented reality (AR), robotics, and virtual reality (VR) can team up to develop innovative applications for various organizations.

5 years

Why The Food Industry Needs Artificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the food industry is already transforming the way food is processed and consumed. As the technology becomes more capable, it can be used in more advanced applications that can make food production more efficient, safe and profitable.