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5 years

Eight Resolutions for a More Creative and Interesting Life

Variety may be the spice of life but many people find themselves in a rut where there is little variety and no spice. If you want a varied, challenging and innovative year ahead then try these resolutions:

5 years

Our Guide to Consistently Make Money with an Ecommerce Business

Many people think they’re going to make a lot of money starting an ecommerce store without having to put in any effort. While people do quickly grow online startup e-stores into successful brands, they don’t do so without adhering to some general principles. This is our guide to consistently make money with an ecommerce.

5 years

4 Futuristic Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind

Can you imagine a robot saying “Welcome to the world of gadgets!” This would have sounded insane in the past, but it is the reality of today.  

5 years

How to Find Investors for your Business

Are you a business owner? Then you might know how important funding is, whether it’s internal or external. It is one of the aspects that make a business successful.

5 years

5 Reasons Why Leader-Employee Relationships are so Important

Early in my professional career, I had both positive and negative relationships with my leaders. The positive relationships taught me so much and made an enormous impact on my life for the better. Those individuals transferred knowledge and wisdom, primarily through their actions. Using skills like listening, patience, and confidence.

5 years

Women In Tech - Taking and Making it One Step Ahead

A couple of months, I had the opportunity to be at the #WomenInTech session where the conversation pivoted around how #WomenInTech are Taking and Making it one step ahead at a time. A range of topics were covered on how one's mind-set, aspiration and passion coupled with opportunity, an enabling environment, guidance, resilience and professional networks are critical to navigate a long and meaningful career for #WomenAtWork.

5 years

Virtual Reality and Subliminal Marketing

Virtual reality (VR) has become a reality, as nearly every tech company has created a product that features it, and it is now seen by many as mainstream. Facebook-owned Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, and the HTC Vive are just a few examples of household names that have launched us into the future of the immersive experience.