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4 years

The "CHAMPION "Growth Mindset Process

A Growth Mindset is vital for success in today's fast changing, disrupted workplace.

4 years

Step by Step Guide to Master Storytelling in 2020

Humans have always told stories and they're a vital part of our daily communication, but the stories have meaning beyond entertainment value. 

4 years

Personal Branding: Worth A Gold For Even Job-Doers, Students And Every Non-Business Person

“Why should I invest in personal branding? It’s meant to grow business and get more customers or clients.”

4 years

Why the Best Leaders Are Compassionate Especially During Crisis

Brian, was the CEO of a medium-sized business for 20 years. He worked tirelessly to build a profitable and successful company. 

4 years

Collaborative Kindness and 10 Other Things Recruiting Teams Can Do Today

So many people, so fast. After four months of COVID-19 impact in the U.S., over 149,000 people have lost their lives and nearly 37 million their livelihoods.

4 years

Raising Your Company’s NPS: Are You Being Played?

Without giving anything away, the film “Now You See Me” is a magic-themed heist movie with a lot of deception, sleight of hand, twists and turns.

4 years

How to Ensure Clear Expectations for all your Staff

‘I know what’s expected of me at work’. It’s no coincidence that this is the first, foundational question of the Gallup Q12 measure of engagement.